Maybe God Wants You To Dial It Down…

Sometimes we focus on the blessing, instead of Our God from Whom ALL blessings flow… Sometimes we sit in a chair of life, snuggle deeper and get comfortable to the point where “don’t wanna” move from that big ol’ comfortable chair – and we stop hearing what it is God wants us to do, what […]

Eyes Wide Open – Listen, The Villain is Hidden

This is a word that some may not want to read, they say that ignorance is bliss – but the very meaning of the word, “Ignorance” is defined in Oxford Dictionary as: “Lack of knowledge or information.” The Bible tells us in Hosea 4:6: “My people perish for lack of knowledge…” Keeping our eyes shut […]

Consider the Source…

We are a spirit that has a soul that is housed in a body. Often the body and the soul (your personality) are the only two parts of you that you identify with, but your spirit is important to acknowledge as well because one day you will shed your shell (your body) and you will […]