Beware of the Nigglers

Be aware of familiar spirits that niggle at you. Sometimes you don’t recognize what they are because they are the background whisperers who whisper things so quietly in your ears and have for so long that you have become desensitized to what they are. They’ve become the background noise and their job is to harass you, harass your mind to drone out what Holy Spirit is saying to you so that you won’t hear it.

Familiar spirits job are to keep you in turmoil or blind to the calling on your life. To keep you from drawing closer to the Father or believing what it is He is speaking to you. It is only when you are aware of what it is that is dragging you down that you can pick up the weapons of your spiritual warfare and combat them.

Put on the armor of God. The helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, gird your feet up with the preparation of the gospel. Be fully clothed in Him and BE AWARE of the tricks of the enemy.

I realized the familiar song that has been going on in my head has been one that God did not put there, so use to hearing the words I didn’t recognize it for what it truly was. I break those familiar ties in the name of Jesus. I release and decree that my warring angels can combat them in the name of Jesus.

If something causes you to have feelings that go against what God tells you – pray about what it is and ask Holy Spirit to bring into the light what is hiding in the darkness. Once the light of Christ shines on it and brings it into the light of your mind, you can combat in Him using the spiritual weapons He has provided you with. Glory to God for the awareness of these words. The enemy was unknowingly right before me! 🙏🙏🙏

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