Pink Bubble Gum Ice Cream Moments

You are never too old to go and sit upon your Father’s lap.  So, climb right up there.  Close your eyes and picture doing just that.  And then feel His arms wrapped protectively around you.  Lean your head back on his shoulder and pour your heart out to Him, having the confidence to know that He hears you and He is listening.  You only have to step out on faith and believe.

People have a hard time visualizing that they can talk to God this way, but the Bible is the Living Word and there are many scriptures that attest to God as a caring, compassionate Father.  Perhaps looking at a few of them will help you be able to see how much you have a Father who loves you.

“As a Father has compassion for His children, so the Lord has compassion on those that fear Him.” (Psalm103:13)

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called Children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.” (1 John 3:1)

“Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” (John 14:23)

The relationship you have with your Heavenly Father is a personal one and throughout your walk with Him, the ways He will reveal Himself to you may be different than the ways He reveals Himself to someone else.  For example, I know of one beautiful sister in Christ who God shows His love to her through balloons.  Yes, I said balloons! 😉 She goes for prayer walks and whenever she does, she encounters balloons.  I can’t remember how many she has come across in all of her walks, but it has become God’s affectionate way of showing her that He is there.  And she shares this amazing testimony whenever it happens.  Her Father brings her balloons.

For me, well today is a good example – I had been combatting a lot of spiritual warfare and was feeling particularly vulnerable, like a child who just wants to sit upon her Father’s lap and just take comfort in His presence.  Feel His arms wrapped around me, draw comfort from knowing He is there. Usually Holy Spirit reveals Himself to me by having a red cardinal appear – out of the blue, it has kind of become our “love language.” But today, God’s love came in the form of my favorite, Pink Bubble Gum ice cream.  Now I can tell you are laughing at this, so I shall explain.  Four years ago, I moved south to Texas where my husband is from, my favorite ice cream is Pink Bubble Gum ice cream and other than ONE time when I first moved there, I have been unable to find it.  As I already indicated, I was having day feeling bruised and in need of spending time with my Father.  I had to run an errand to the store to pick something up and while I was there, I found one small pint of Basket and Robbin’s Pink Bubble Gum ice cream.  There was only ONE container of it. I immediately grabbed it and giggled.  My Father was taking me out for ice cream.  It was definitely a “daddy and me” moment.  Now you may not believe that to be the case, but that’s really the way our Father works.  He shows you love in the most intimate of ways and it solely is between you and Him.  That’s something you can come to expect if you look to develop your relationship with your Heavenly Father.  He’s real, He’s there and it’s personal.  I love moments like that.

THIS is the kind of relationship with your Father that if you look for, you will experience it and you will come to personally know when those moments occur. God moments.  Precious you and Him moments, which quite frankly is how God always intended your relationship would be with Him.  Cherished moments with the Father are ones that solidify your relationship with Him and grow your intimacy in knowing a Father who delights in lavishing love on His children.

I pray you who are reading these words will grow your relationship with your Heavenly Father.  That your relationship becomes so personal and real that you can recognize those “Daddy and me” moments and take heart in knowing you have a Father who is ever present.  He loves you.  Let Him.  Delight in Him and let Him delight in you.

May you have “balloon moments” or “Pink Bubble Ice Cream moments” and may they make a difference in how you view Father God, because He loves you very, very much. He TRULY does.


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