Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson!!!

Boundaries… A word that is unfamiliar in a society that is full of people who are ALL about themselves.  The biggest spirit that I have seen in this day and age is the spirit of “entitlement” which is well and alive in today’s fallen world.

Oh yes, I can see you nodding your head and some of you even saying to me:

“Preach it Sister!”

We are not to be led by our feelings, but our feelings have been given to us as an internal indicator for a reason…  Add the gift of discernment into the mix and we’d be wise to pay attention to the red flags that occur, especially when they are warning signals that someone is invading the boundaries of you.

What do you do when you experience those warnings? Prayerfully I do a spiritual self-pat down to find out why they are there, I take a look at what the trigger was and whether or not it is something Holy Spirit wants me to address, do something about.  This is ALL a part of learning how to govern yourself, which IS part of guarding your peace.

Sometimes the warnings occur so that Holy Spirit can bring front and center something He wants you to intercede about in prayer… Sometimes the warning is because the enemy is approaching and you need to adjust your spiritual armor and prepare to battle in Christ.

Sometimes the indicator is because there is something that Holy Spirit is in the process of transforming deep in the heart of you, maybe an attitude or something that needs breaking up or changing and you are feeling the fire of that modification.

The important thing is to not ignore those red flags…  Prayerfully bring whatever it is up to the Father so that He can help enlighten you as to what is going on and how He wants you to respond… Sometimes this requires getting away from ALL the noise so that you can hear clearly from the Father (be it a prayer walk, motorcycle ride, weekend-get-a-way-from-the-rat-race, step away from the TV games or cell phone, or for me – laptop) and get to a place where you can focus in on the Father and hear a Rhema word from Him.

“But Kelly, I don’t have time for that…”

You have to listen to your spirit, you have to be in tune with the very heart of you.  You have to TAKE time to be attentive to the warning signs that present themselves to you, the consequences can be too great and if Holy Spirit has allowed those red flags to trigger then you are already at a head turning spiritual place where He is saying:

“Pay attention!  This needs addressing! It’s not going to go away and only intensify until you do!”

I am a bit older than some of you reading this (so you probably won’t recognize the photo associated with this post! 🙂 )  But I think even today, The Emergency Alert System (EAS) which is a national public warning system that requires radio and TV broadcasters, cable TV, wireless cable systems, satellite and wireline operators to provide the President with capability to address the American people within 10 minutes during a national emergency presents itself upon occasion.  It would show lines of color with a screeching electronic sound in the background and an announcers voice would say something along the lines like:

“This is a test of the National Emergency Alert System. This system was developed by broadcast and cable operators in voluntary cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Communications Commission, and local authorities to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency an official message would have followed the tone alert you heard at the start of this message. No action is required.”

It was something that most definitely brings your undivided attention to the television screen.  You listen intently, because you have no other choice – it is a warning. Such is the same when you experience feelings of uneasiness, anxiety, unsettled feelings – all warnings that something is not right within the being of you, your boundaries are being crossed in some manner, in some way and the feelings won’t go away (like the television alert) until the situation is addressed.  The warnings will just get louder and louder.


No one can do it for you, this is something you have to address yourself.  Most often Holy Spirit is trying to draw your attention to a portion of your life that needs dealing and He may not explain “the why” of it until after its been addressed.  Sometimes we understand better when we see things in Hindsight.

The Bible tells us in Psalm 37:23:

“The steps of a righteous man are ordered by God.”

If you are part of God’s Called Remnant, God is ordaining your steps.  Some steps are bigger and wider than others, and while we may struggle a bit in the process to go forth in Him, we can trust that we don’t go through life without a purpose.  Without a reason. Without God “knowing” what is going on in your life.  He is RIGHT there with you.  The Bible says in Romans 12:2:

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”

Those warning signs are not to fill you with fear, as 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us:

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

Most of the time those “warning” signals are opportunities made by the Holy Spirit for spiritual growth. 1 Peter 4:12 tells us:

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial that has come upon you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.”

“Father God, thank You for creating me with warning signals.  Thank You for awareness of what to do when my buttons are pushed.  Forgive me for the times I have responded in the flesh and not prayed as to how You would have me handle myself so that I can do so remaining in Your good and perfect will.  If there be ANY evil within me, or anything that needs changing, I pray You help me to change it.  I know that sometimes “dying to self” is painful.  Give me wisdom, give me understanding and give me guidance in EVERY area of my life, which belongs to You.  I thank You Lord, that there is nothing I go through that You are not aware of, nothing comes as a surprise to You. Thank You for holding me in the very palms of Your hands, there is no better place to be. I love You Lord.  Be glorified.  In Jesus’ precious name I pray… AMEN”


Is Holy Spirit speaking to your heart through this word? If so, leave a comment below! I love hearing from you!


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