There are times in our walks with Christ where it seems as though He is silent. Tonight, I have to call those moments, the “Do you trust Me?” Moments.
God tells us in His Word that our thoughts are NOT His thoughts, His ways are HIGHER than our ways and there comes moments in our walk with Him when we just have to decide to walk by trusting Him.
Abraham was asked to leave everything He was familiar with to follow after God. And He and Sarah did it – they stepped out in unwavering faith.
Moses could have chosen to stay in the comfort of his adoptive home in Egypt and not go out among the Israelites or respond to the calling God had upon his life – yet he did after his experience with God presenting Himself through the burning bush.
David could have stayed shepherding his sheep, not fight Goliath, stay in his own comfort zone and disregard God’s calling to be Israel’s King.
We are ALWAYS given a choice to obey God’s plans for our lives or turn away and say,
“No thank You God.”
But even at our lowest moments, even when God seems quiet and we can’t seem to perceive what it is He is saying to us, there is NO better choice than to be after God’s heart. To believe that no matter WHAT we are feeling, God’s best is STILL better than ANYTHING that we could plan for ourselves. I would say to you that He has ALREADY proven His love for us by sending His only Begotten Son, our Savior to die on the cross for forgiveness of OUR sins so that we could, through His gift of salvation – His resurrection, be restored to a RIGHT relationship with the Father.
I’d say that makes God trustworthy, don’t you?
We have to trust the One Who sees things in full, remembering that we only see things in part. It’s not easy and at times it is downright painful, but we have to determine in our hearts and actions that NO MATTER WHAT we will continue trusting in the One Who gave His life for us.
What is it that you have to lay at the foot of the cross? Sometimes God wants us to give us what concerns us most and trust that He will take care of it. We were not made to carry the heavy burdens that sometimes we try to carry ourselves. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-29:
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Tonight, for myself I am laying something that has burdened me since the death of my husband 6 months ago at the foot of my Savior’s cross. I’ve been carrying something that truly has been God’s responsibility, not mine and I simply can’t carry it anymore. Do you have something you need Him to carry for you? If so, pray this prayer with me:
“Father, thank You that I can come to You in prayer. Thank You Jesus for the price You paid to redeem me to a right relationship with the Father. Thank You also for being my High Priest, for even now being seated at the right-hand of the Father interceding on my behalf. I ask Father, that You would forgive me for my sins and wash me with the precious blood of Jesus. Father, I need to lay something that has been burdening me for the last few months at the foot of the cross. I should have done it long ago, but I have carried the weight of it instead. Father, I give You ______________________________________________ (SAY WHAT IT IS THAT HAS BEEN BURDENING YOU, THAT YOU ARE RELEASING TO THE FATHER) I can’t carry this anymore. But You can. I give it to You and I refuse to pick it up again. I only see in part, but You see in full. You tell me my steps are ordered by You. You tell me that if I give good gifts to my children, how MUCH MORE will You give unto me? You tell me to seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness and ALL else shall follow. You tell me that You have made me the head and NOT the tail. That You have plans to prosper me and NOT to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future. I release this burden to You. And I pray as Jesus taught me to pray: ‘My Father Who art in Heaven, Hallowed by Your name. Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give me this day my daily bread and forgive me for my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me. Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. For thine is the power and the glory forever and ever. Help me not to be shamed for my faith in You, but to continue trusting You every step of the way. Help me to be led by faith and NOT my feelings. Father, I cry out to You “Abba Father” Help me for I can’t get through life without You, nor do I want to. Please hear my prayer. In Jesus’ precious name I pray – Amen.”
It doesn’t matter what people think, it ONLY matters what God thinks! And sometimes we have to trust Him even when we don’t feel Him, even when we don’t hear Him, even when we don’t see Him. We need to trust in His love, in His Word and know that He IS sovereign. He is God. He will NEVER fail us, we are not to be led by what we feel, we are to let Him lead us and trust that He will. That’s called having faith. Let go and Let God. He’s got this, He’s got us.