Do YOU Love Him? David Danced…

When you are passionate about something – it shows!  Merriam Webster dictionary describes the word passionate as “expressing intense feeling.”

Worship is about pouring out love to the One who loved you first!  There are MANY ways to worship Him.  It is an act of adoration and how you choose to show God your love is very personal.

For me, writing IS my worship.  It is only one way that I express my love for Him.  He has called me to write, so in obedience to my calling and because I deeply love Him, I prayerfully worship Him through my writings.  It is my deepest desire that the Word of God reach out and touch lives.  That the Holy Spirit uses me as a willing, humble vessel so that God will receive ALL the glory in using the words that He pours into my soul to bless and draw people into a deeper relationship with Him.

How do you worship God?  It is a personal relationship, so it should be personal.  It should be heartfelt.  It should be genuine.  It should be ALL about YOU and Him.  It is a way of showing God your love, your gratitude and the more you do it – the more you long to go deeper with Him.

Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you ways that you can show God your love and what form of worship that should be.  Is it music?  Is it writing?  What type action makes you brim over with love for Him?  Believe me when I say, you simply CAN’T out love God!  The more you pour out to Him the more He pours in to you!  He loves you so, so much!  Think about how much it pleases Him when He sees and knows that your biggest, deepest desire is to love Him back!

David danced before God.  He overflowed to the point where he could simply NOT stay still.  He had to physically express what was in his heart. 

Think about it – when you love someone, you simply HAVE to make them aware of it.  You have to show them.  It should not be a chore, it should be an act of love.   And it’s between you and Him.  It is personal. Song of Solomon is an example of an outpouring of love.  The Bible tells us,

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind…” (Luke 10:27)

Jesus asked Peter after Peter had denied knowing Him three times – “Peter do you love me?” (John 21:15-17) and Peter’s response was, “Yes Lord, You know that I love You.”  Three times Jesus asked Him.  Three times Peter answered the same.  Today, Jesus is asking you, “(PUT YOUR NAME HERE) do you love me?”  What is your response?  What actions are indicating that love?  HOW are you loving Him? 

Sometimes our love starts out like a drip and then a trickle but when we deepen our relationship with Him, it intensifies our love.  God wants you to love Him and He wants to pour out His love and blessings on you.  Don’t be shy, LOVE HIM.  In whatever way Holy Spirit leads you.  God knows your heart, He KNOWS you intimately!  You be YOU in your love and worship for Him.  You don’t have to be afraid that it will be “awkward” or be shy about loving Him.  He is YOUR Father and He ADORES you.  He delights in you.  Take time to delight in Him, it’s all about having a personal relationship with the One who first loved you.

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