The accuser stands before God constantly pointing a finger at us. Mocking us, making us wince at the rehashing of the shortcomings we are very much aware of in the vessel of us. Making us want to run and hide as Adam and Eve hid in the garden of Eden. But then steps Jesus forward, His radiance blinding all from the sins which we have ALREADY confessed. Overcoming the accuser’s voice and making him flinch and feel the pain which he had wanted placed upon ourselves.
We are overcome by the blood of the lamb – those of us who have acknowledged and accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. If you have not made a confession of faith and it TRULY IS a heart thing – than the accusers accusations stand true and your sins are not covered by the blood of Jesus. The time of repentance is NOW. Pray with me:
“Father God, I want that! I need that! I have made soooooo many mistakes and constantly sin before You. I know that there is NO amount of good deeds I can do to make the stains of my sins go away because You tell me that “my righteousness is as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6) I believe that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, lived and died on the cross for forgiveness of my sins. He rose again and is seated at Your right hand. I accept Him into my heart as my Lord and Savior and I thank You for coming into my life, Holy Spirit and taking those sins away and making me white as snow. Please be glorified in my life, in Jesus’ name I pray Amen.”
Oh what a difference He makes when He takes out the “yuck” within us and fills us with Holy Spirit. What joy, what peace, what contentment, what love, what mercy, what forgiveness that is ONLY found in Him. Psalm 34:8 says:
“Taste and see that the Lord IS good.”
I pray that you pray that prayer and experience for yourself just how VERY real He is, how much He loves you and how TRUE the Word of God – the Bible is. The accuser has NO hold on those that call upon the Lord and belong to Him.