Dear Diary…

Opening up the book the girl began to passionately write:

Dear Diary,

I have just begun the most wonderful relationship I have ever experienced in my life!  I am truly and totally in love in a way I have never ever experienced. I don’t know if I’ll be able to adequately write words that are suitable to describe it!

It ALL began when I attended a flea market day at my university.  You see, I was just wandering from table to table looking at all there was to see.  I met another girl there, her name was Julie and as we spoke, she told me there was this guy she wanted me to meet.  I snorted, I wasn’t interested.  She pressed me to come to a gathering where He would be.  I told her I’d think about it (with no intention of really going) and went upon my way.

A few days later I arrived to the university early and found myself making way to the gathering – just out of curiosity They were all sitting around socially, there was only one seat left next to a lady who was old enough to be my grandmother!  I hesitated and sat down next to her, they were all talking about “Him” my curiosity was peaked because they were all excited and animated and talking about things He had done.  I sat quietly listening in the background.  The older woman next to me kept talking about how wonderful He was… Honestly, I was drawn.  He had to be pretty special for so many people to be talking so highly of Him…

When the gathering broke up and people started gathering their books to go attend class, Julie came up to me and introduced me to the elderly lady next to me.  She smiled at me and shook my hand, telling me what a pleasure it was to meet me.  And then she told me there was someone she knew who wanted to meet me… Who had been asking to come into my life, that He thought I was really special and would I be interested in meeting Him?  And then she named the one they had all been gushing about!  Well, I hesitated at first, but He sounded so wonderful, that I thought to myself – why not?  Honestly Diary, I had NO idea what an impact this meeting would have on my life – it changed it!  That very moment she introduced me to Him. And OHHHHHH the JOY that floods my soul! He indicated to me that He wanted us to be in an exclusive relationship and I said YES!  Ever since that day 32 years ago I have fallen head over heels in love… I want you to meet Him – what’s His name?  His name is JESUS.  And He is the lover of my soul. And once YOU meet Him, I just KNOW He’ll be the lover of yours too!  Dear Diary, meeting Him was the BEST decision I EVER made in my life. I really want everyone to have the love I have… He is my absolute heart!”

That is a story that really happened, I didn’t write it in a diary like that – but at the age of 21 I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior and He RADICALLY changed my life.  He BECAME my life and the beauty of this is – He wants to do the same with you.  If I am “gushing” about Him like a school girl it is because there is NO greater love that you can experience than in knowing Him. He loves you so so much!  It is not something I can adequately write about because it is such a personal relationship that it is individual and He will meet you and fill you in ways that only you and Him can understand.  There is no human relationship that you can compare it to – the love is ALL encompassing… The Bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalm 34:8) and once you do – you’ll understand what I’m saying.

God ORIGINALLY created man to be in fellowship with Him.  Sin separated us from Him in the way He had intended.  It is ONLY through the shed blood of Jesus that we can enter into a relationship in the way that God originally intended.  IT IS NOT RELIGION.  Religion is “man made traditions” being in a personal relationship with the Lord is having a ONE on ONE intimate relationship where you can be you and you can come to know the One who originally created you!  HE KNOWS YOU. Jeremiah 1:5 says:

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.”

Isn’t it time YOU allowed yourself to come to know Him???  When I was told about Him that day at the university, I really knew NOTHING about Him.  I was raised in a predominately Jewish neighborhood, raised by parents who were agnostic and non-practicing Catholic and so I really knew nothing about Jesus. When I learned that day that:

“God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) I was fascinated!  If you haven’t heard this before, doesn’t it fascinate you that someone loved you enough to die for you???  JESUS DIED FOR YOU!  That day, I chose to live for Him.  And it was the BEST decision I have ever made in my life… The love I have spoken about in my “diary story” is one that is real.  The personal relationship I have with Jesus is REAL.  HE IS REAL!  And the only way you can fully understand what it is I am talking about is to do what I did – invite Him into your heart, choose to accept Him as Lord and Savior and I can PROMISE you this – it WILL change your very life.  Ready? I want to introduce you to Him. Just pray this prayer and Holy Spirit will bring Him to meet you, right where you are at:

“Jesus, I’m reading Kelly’s words and I’m not sure I understand what it is she is talking about, but I’d like to meet You myself. I would like to experience this amazing love that she says she has experienced.  I want to meet You.  Please come into my life and be my Lord and Savior.  If You are as real as Kelly is indicating You are – I too want to meet You.  Show me You.  I choose to accept You into my heart.  Please show me.  Please forgive me for my sins and wash me with Your precious blood.  I believe You were born of the Virgin Mary, lived and was crucified on the cross for forgiveness of my sins and that You rose again and are seated on the right hand of the Father and that You will come again. Please come into my life and be my Lord and Savior.  In Jesus’ precious name I pray. AMEN.”

Oh my gosh! Did you pray that prayer?!!!  Then get ready – because YOU are about to experience the MOST amazing LOVE!  Now remember to spend time talking to Him!  Oh yes, it is personal relationship! Tell Him WHATEVER is on your mind and in your heart.  He’s there and He’s listening and here is the BEST thing – as you grow in your relationship with Him, you will learn to recognize His voice.  He has the BEST sense of humor!  And He is SOOOO gentle.  Oh – believe ME, having a relationship with Him will drastically change you – in a GOOD way. Holy Spirit resides in you and He will make you a better person.  I have grown and changed so much.  But here are the two things that will draw you into a closer relationship with Him- PRAY and talk to Him EVERY day.  He really IS listening to you and He wants to talk to you too!  Also, God the Father has written the GREATEST Love letter for you to read – it is called the Bible.  Holy Spirit will give you a new understanding as you read it.  It will help you have a deeper understanding of the new relationship you have just entered into with Jesus.  READ IT!  It will bless you!  When I first met Jesus, I purchased a Study Bible.  I wanted to know Him as intimately as He knows me.  Buy one if you can!  If you can’t – message me and I will buy one for you!  God is soooo good!  He guided you hear to read these words, why?  Because HE LOVES YOU!  Reader – HE REALLY does. Now go spend time talking with Him! Go on now!  And be blessed!  Jesus loves YOU! Grow in Him!

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