Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In

One of the worst things we can do when we are hard pressed is to give up on God. You have to determine in your head and in your heart that giving up on God is NOT an option, it’s a trap.  Ol’ slewfoot wants you to cry out “uncle” to him.  He wants to see just how far you are going to go before you “curse God and choose to die.” (As Job’s wife wanted him to do).

You can’t.  No matter how hard things are right now.  This is where you look back on your walk with Him and recall ALL the ways God delivered you, all the times God provided for you – your testimony as to what God has done in your life.  If you can’t think of anything turn to your Bible and see ALL the ways God delivered His people.  Our feelings would try to dictate our faith – and that is why we are not to be led by our feelings.  We need to be led in our faith. Galatians 2:20 says:

“I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet NOT I but Christ leaves by faith in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

Hey, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  He’s RIGHT there, with you!  And He’s NOT letting go.  So don’t let go of Him!

Is your faith – faith in yourself?  That will fall short.  The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12

“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Listen – whatever you are going through (and I speak from personal experience) if you have given your life and your heart to Jesus.  If you have made Him Lord of your life – WHATEVER you go through in life, He is RIGHT there with you.  EVEN if it feels as though you are alone, don’t be led by your feelings, GOD IS THERE.  EVEN if you are surrounded by unbelievers and people who mock you for your faith – GOD IS THERE.  Even in the midst of your pain, your sorrow, your anguish – WHATEVER it is you are going through – YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

This is the center of spiritual battle and the time when you are MOST vulnerable.  THIS is where you stand on the Rock that is higher than YOU.  Cry out to JESUS.   Even if that is the only word you can cry out.  “JESUS!  JESUS!  JESUS!”  Don’t give up on the One Who IS the Way, the Truth AND the Life!  This is where you run to Him.  This is where the truth of “walking by faith” comes in, when everything around you feels like it is pitch black, when you don’t see in front of you, when you have NO more answers – you RUN straight into the arms of the One who IS the answer.  Whatever your situation – the answer is JESUS.  If all you can do is cry before Him – CRY.  But don’t STOP trusting! Don’t STOP believing!  Don’t Stop praying!  Your blessing could be RIGHT around the corner!  You JUST have to believe. Really believe and TRUST not in yourself but in HIM. Determine in your head that no matter what the circumstances, God is greater and He is present and He is an “ever present help in time of trouble” and He has NEVER failed you.  CHOOSE TO TRUST IN HIM.  It is a choice you see, choose to cling to Him and know that He will answer you.

This is where you truly “walk by faith” it is easy to believe God in the good times – but real faith comes when you are facing situations where All you can do is trust.  Our lives are one big “faith walk” and the truth of what you REALLY believe is exposed when you are in situations that you cannot see any light in sight!  This is where I raise my arms and choose to praise God and thank Him for the answer – BY FAITH.  This is where I turn to examples in the Word of God of times when there were NO HUMANLY ways – but God’s ways are NOT our ways.  God’s thoughts are NOT our thoughts.  He is SO much HIGHER than we are!

God is greater than our finances, God is greater than sickness, illness and disease.  WHATEVER your situation – He is greater!  He is able!  And He IS with you.  

Maybe you are trying to figure out the solution yourself, walk in your own strength, that will only get you so far. God wants us to trust in HIM.  Even if all you can do is raise your arms and cry out in prayer, “Abba Father!!!”

“Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)

I don’t have all the answers – but I DO have the most important one of all – and that is, when I don’t have an answer I cling to the One who does.  God wants us to go to Him.  That’s where ALL the answers lie.  Bring whatever it is to Him.  Bring it to the foot of the cross.  Talk with the One who is the lover of your soul.  Talk to the One who WILL answer.  He WILL answer.  Throughout the Bible are examples of REAL living people we are to read about, study and look on their lives as examples to what God has done, what He is doing and even what He WILL do.  He has answers that we can’t even fathom for EVERY situation!  There MAY be a higher reason as to why we are going through whatever it is we are going through and we can TRUST that it will be added testimony to our lives if we don’t give up on God, if we don’t give in.  Maybe it is something that God will use to extend the right hand of fellowship and understanding to someone behind us who will be going through (or is going through) the SAME thing. We don’t know, but If you are a Christian you can BET that people around you are watching you to see how you respond to the pressures of life.  Your faith and your perseverance in believing God MAY minister to someone else and give them the desire to have what you have – which is faith in HIM.  We truly are “Christ’s Ambassadors” and how we conduct ourselves IS noticed BOTH on earth and in Heaven!  So when you are hard pressed by life’s circumstances – PRESS IN to the Giver of life!

“Father, I praise You, I thank You that You are the same today as You were yesterday as You will be tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8).  I confess that I am at a place where I don’t know what to do.  I feel helpless, I feel alone, I feel desperate.  I feel like I am sinking and I don’t know what to do.  Please forgive me for my sins and cleanse me from ANYTHING that may be delaying my answered prayers.  If there be ANY evil within me, please remove it.  I know I’m not supposed to be led by my feelings – so I pray that You will fill me with your peace that passes ALL understanding and help me to be aware of Your presence.  I need You.  I ask that You bind anything that is standing in the way of answered prayer.  I ask that You send forth my waring angels to combat ANYTHING that may be blocking the answer.  I know that You are greater in me than the one that is within the world, so I lay this concern, this need, this issue (name whatever it is that you need to bring before Him) _____________________________ at the foot of Your cross.  You tell me I have not because I ask not (James 4:2-3) so I am asking.  I have this need Father _____________________________ and I am looking to You for answers.  I know You are the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) and You tell me in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Father, I am resting in the truth that You hear my prayer and will answer it.  I thank You Father and I believe You will answer me.  I love You, I trust You, I believe You. You know SO much more than I, I leave this in Your capable hands.  Thank You Father for answered prayer.  In Jesus precious name I pray. AMEN”

Press in to Him and He WILL be glorified in your life – praise Him by faith for answering and watch and see what Your Father does.  He WILL be glorified, He IS the God of the impossible.  We may not always know the “why” of our situation but we know the “Who” and if you have made Him your Lord and Savior over your life – He reigns.  TRUST HIM and wait for your answer.  It’s coming.  Praise Him. The truth is, He’s ALREADY done it. We just have to believe.

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