The LIVING Word – It’s ALIVE.

The Bible is the Living Word of God.  I guess that is why the devil tries so hard to have people just keep their Bibles collecting dust on the shelves of their bedroom, study or displayed in a foyer or tucked in a bedside drawer.  Honestly, it does no good for you there…  It is not some “good luck charm” or idol to just sit there like “alacazam ” the power in the Living Word is in the reading of it!  The stories and the people that you read about were REAL people.  People with strengths and weaknesses and questions and experiences that we also have in our current day. THAT’S WHY GOD HAS GIVEN US HIS LIVING WORD. 2 Timothy 3:16 says:

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”

Proverbs 30:5 says:

“Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.”

Do YOU want to KNOW God?  READ HIS WORD.  Do YOU need a special touch from Him?  READ HIS WORD.  Do YOU want to grow in your walk with Jesus? READ HIS WORD.  I can’t say this enough – even to myself!  Before you open the Word of God, PRAY.  Pray that God will open your mind! Touch your heart!  Pray that God will reveal Himself through the reading of His Word in ways that will minister to you.  In ways that will touch your heart!  In ways that you can apply what you are reading to wherever you are in your journey with Him and I PROMISE YOU – HE WILL.  God is faithful!  The Bible says in Isaiah 55:11:

“So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void (without producing any effect, useless), but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

God’s Word will grow you.  It will encourage you.  It will show and give you wisdom that you can apply to WHATEVER life situation you are going through.  Holy Spirit will help you to store God’s Word in your heart so that at different times in your life He will bring front and center the scriptures needed to guide you through EVERY life circumstances.  This is where faith comes in!  This is where trust comes in!  This is the very basic part and foundation in being in Him!  The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15:

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”

As you read the Bible, YOU WILL GROW.  Holy Spirit will open up your mind to understand what you are reading and what God wants to speak to you through it.  I cannot tell you the moments that I have spent reading my Word and gaining such sustenance and strength and understanding from it!  Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow!  God speaks through His Word!  RIGHT TO YOUR HEART.  RIGHT TO THE HEART OF WHATEVER MATTER YOU ARE GOING THROUGH… But you have to open your Bible.  You have to believe that God wants to talk to you through His Word.  He does and He will.

So what are you waiting for??? 😉  Test me on this – I speak of what I know because I have experienced it myself.  Grab that Bible off the shelf or pull it out of the drawer you have stashed it in.  Take it out of that spotlighted foyer shelf that you have displayed it in.  Dust it off.  Get yourself a highlighter pen and marker and go some place where you can delve into the Word of God.  Don’t be afraid to mark up your Bible!  There is no sin in highlighting the sections that you feel God speaking to you about!  There is NOTHING like a well-loved marked up Bible!  My Bible is filled with highlighted sections where God has shown me something that applies to me at certain times of my life!  It is marked up with notes on revelations that Holy Spirit has shown me as I study the Word of God.  God WANTS you to mark up your Bible!  He WANTS you to study it intently and to learn and see all the revelations that He wants to show you!  HE DOES!  And what’s so awesome in spending time before the Father in prayer and in His Word is that EVERY time you do it – He’ll reveal something new to you!  JUST FOR YOU.  And here is the thing that tickles me the most – as you fill up on His Word, you will find yourself overflowing with it!  It will pour out of you, in your mind, in your thoughts, in your words, in how you live and in what you do!  The Word of God does not stay stagnant.  It grows you!  And through the obedience of studying the Word of God it PREPARES you for whatever it is that God has called you to do with it!  Oh Yes!  You have a calling on your life!  God’s Word will dwell deeply within you!  And He will use what He shows you to not only bless you but to bless others through you!  When you think about it – it makes sense, doesn’t it?  That’s what He did with the Apostles and with His disciples!  And if You allow Him, HE WILL USE YOU TOO!  That is why ol’slewfoot and his dominions don’t WANT you to read the Word of God.  he knows that it will bless you and encourage you and strengthen you and that through the reading of God’s Word and the growth that reading of it entails – You will be used by God for whatever purpose God has for you!  That’s why maybe you think the Bible is “boring” or not “current” or you start to get sleepy whenever you even think of reading it!  The Word of God is powerful and anointed and life-giving and life-changing, so you have to fight against the flesh and dust off that Bible and pray for understanding before you open it up.  And then you have to TRUST God that He will meet you right there where you are as you read it!  And what He shows me may be different than what He shows you because it’s a PERSONAL relationship and it’s a PERSONAL conversation!  You don’t have to wait to get a rhema (living) Word from God through someone else (and I’m not knocking that!  God does speak through people) but God ALSO speaks to us!  On a One on One experience, you just have to be willing and open and ready to hear ALL that He wants to tell you.  Beloved reader, please taste for yourself and SEE that our Lord is GOOD.  Because He is!  And He longs to tell you and show you things that you can ONLY learn from Him through the reading of His Word. 

Try it, go on!  You WON’T be disappointed… Our God is good ALL the time and His Word is wonderful! It TRULY is!

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