The God of Turn-Around

I know there are many of God’s Remnant, myself included, who have been experiencing quite a bit of spiritual battle. Tonight Holy Spirit whispered these words into my heart. Words not only for myself, but also for those that are waring with me. Remember, we are many members but we are one in the body of Christ. When the toe is stubbed, the pain radiates all the way up to the head. If that is you, these are the words Holy Spirit whispers into my ear. May God be glorified!

“I am removing the pretense of what Christmas is supposed to be to those I have called to be My Remnant as one would unwrap the true gift I have given the world. I have given first the Gift of my Son that has become hidden behind the pomp and circumstance of store bought items. What I have given you is not something that can be purchased in a store – do You not see it? I am opening up blind eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to receive the true meaning of Christmas, beyond the worldly extravagance. 
Sometimes the dazzle of the lights distracts from the True light the gifts I want you to REALLY see. When you truly look for Me you WILL find me. 
How you respond to what is going on all around you shows what level you are in your walk with Me.

I have called you by name, do not listen to the noise going on all around you, My sheep know My voice. If You focus on Me you will find peace, you will find joy, you will find love, you will find contentment, you will find healing, you will find purpose. These gifts are gifts you do not find in a store. You only find them when you abide in Me. 
Have I told you to fear not? Fear only comes upon you when you take your eyes off of me and place them on circumstances. I am greater than your circumstances. Refocus on Me. Trust in Me.

Child, you belong to Me. I am the God of turn-around, like a Father directing the pathway of a toddler by placing his hand on the back of their neck, My hand guides you. It turns you the way I want you to go.

I am stripping the paint off my Remnant to reveal what lies below the surface, what will I find? I am faithful, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Your response to all that is going around you  will reveal where you are in your walk with Me. In order to take you to the next level of where I have for you to be, I am showing you where you are right now. Like a parent who places their child up against the wall to mark their level of growth and then turns them around to see it, I am showing you. This is a moment of preparation and revelation, you see in part, by I see the fullness of you. All I ask is that you focus on Me and not your circumstances. Your plans are not My plans, My plans are much greater for you than what you can perceive. Take every disappointment and drop it in my palm, and instead change your perception, nothing comes as a surprise to Me. Nothing is greater than Me. Abide in Me and I will abide in you.

This Christmas I will reveal to you the true gifts that will bless you and enable you to do ALL I plan for you to do and they will make any earthly gifts hidden under the tree look lack luster. I have called you for a time such as this and am preparing you to go higher. Instead of allowing life to press you and weigh you down, press into Me, and I will lift you higher, like hinds feet in high places. I am willing and I am able, you only have to allow me to take you higher by trusting in Me.”

Remnant, often when I write, the words are to be shared, but they are also for me. Sometimes what we think is a disappointment is God turning us in a different direction to grow us and use us and bless us in ways we cannot yet see… Let’s take those disappointments before Him and trust that when sometimes we don’t understand the why of it, He does. Praise be to God.


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