Stormy Weather – Logic Does Not Do What Faith Can… What is It That Keeps Your Boat Afloat?

Sometimes life feels like you are standing in the middle of a storm that is raging all around you. Discord, confusion, lack spinning all around you. Situations you don’t know what to do about flash into your mind like lightning. Every time you try to figure out what to do, another thunderous situation booms, and you feel overwhelmed by all that is occurring around you. Your heart is racing, your mind is on overload, and you feel like a deer who is frozen still with the headlights of an oncoming car called life coming right at you. And you don’t know what to do. You are overwhelmed with it all, feeling lost and small and what you really want to do is curl up in a fetus position, close your eyes and try to gain clarity of mind but you can’t because there is only one thing that will either give (or restore) your peace – and that is Jesus. What you are experiencing, the storms that rage around us is not new – God gives us an example within His living Word, the Bible, In Mark 4:35:

“On that day, as evening drew on, he said to them, “Let us cross to the other side.” Leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat just as he was. And other boats were with him. A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” They were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”

Jesus said, “Peace, be still!” He rebuked the wind and the sea, and the wind ceased and there was great calm. He IS the calmer of the storm in your life. Are you crying out to Him? Are you turning those stormy situations that surround you and fill your mind with fear and terror to the One who is the giver of life? As you read above, Jesus turned to the disciples once he awoke, after rebuking the wind and asked them “Why are you terrified?” Is He turning to you and saying the same thing? If you have given your life to Him, made Him Lord and Savior than He is the captain of your boat. He wants you to trust that no matter what storms of life come your way (and they will):


He’s got you! If violent squalls are storming all around you, and each direction you see is filled with uncertainty and problems – TURN TO JESUS. As you come to Him through prayer, turn those situations, worries and concerns over to Him. He stands there asking you, “why are you terrified?”


“Father, I am afraid. All around me I see problems and as soon as I try to put out problem another one presents itself. I’m overwhelmed. The storm that is raging all around me is dark and foreboding and I feel small and insignificant, and I feel like I am in the eye of the storm and the water in my boat is filling up quickly, even though I’m trying to bail it out as quickly as the water arises.”

Jesus is saying:

“You are trying to do this on your OWN strength. INSTEAD OF TRUSTING IN ME. Child, I am saying to you, PEACE BE STILL. DO YOU NOT YET HAVE FAITH? Whatever is storming around you bring it to Me in prayer. Stop trying to work in your own strength – you can’t, you need to bring it to Me.”

“Father – I come before You and I cry out, “Abba Father!!!” Oh, how I need You. Every day. Through sunshine and in rain, through singing and in pain. Please take over all the situations in my life and calm the squalls as only You can. I can’t do it, but YOU can.”

(List the things that are troubling you and give each one of them to Him).

“Thank You for being:

“An ever-present help in time of trouble.”

(Psalm 46:1)


“Lifter of my head.”

(Psalm 3:3)

“If there is anything within me that needs changing, if it is ME that is causing the turbulence occurring all around me – please change what needs changing as You see fit. I know and I trust, and I believe that You are GREATER than any storm. Please help me Father to take Your hand, to trust and believe that You can, You will and You are calming the storms all around me. Telling them to “be still!” Holy Spirit calm my soul and help me to lift my face and my focus to the SON. I choose to believe and walk in trust that You are directing my path. STORMS IN THE NAME OF MY SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, YOU MUST BE STILL!” Peace that passes ALL understanding fill my soul. Jesus owns the ship of me. See His name on my bow? THIS SHIP BELONGS TO HIM. There is NOTHING that can come my way that He can’t calm. Thank You Father for calm waters. Thank You for peace and restoration. Thank you for resolution. Thank You for provision. Thank You for being the answer and the solution for every entity of storm in my life. For filling me with peace. For making me calm. For keeping my eyes on You, no matter what comes my way. In Jesus’ precious name I give it ALL to You – AMEN.”


Is Holy Spirit speaking to your heart through this word? If so, leave a comment below! I love hearing from you!

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