Sometimes we allow God to take the brunt of our feelings because of what people have done to us… Sometimes the perception that we have of God is based upon relationships that have failed us and we think that God will do the same. Listen, it is so important for us to separate our experiences with people from our relationship with God… If we don’t do that, we make God the scapegoat for people who have hurt us or failed us. We don’t give God a fair chance.
God loves you so much. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. You can trust Him; His love is steadfast. We can’t put God in the same category as people. The Bible tells us in 1 John 3:1:
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.”
When I first became a Christian, prayed the Sinner’s prayer, accepted Jesus as my Savior, chose to make Him Lord over my life, I entered into a personal relationship with Him, began to get to know Him, how? Through prayer, through reading His Word – the Bible. When I had prayed the prayer, I also said to Him:
“Lord, if You are real, I NEED You to make Yourself REAL to ME.”
And I meant it! And guess what? HE DID! And 34 years ago, He continues to do so. So many people base what they think of God by what other people tell them, instead of challenging God Himself to reveal Himself to them. I didn’t want to know some finger-shaking, angry, religious figure that some religions present God as – I really meant it when I said to Him:
“I want to know Who You are! Make Yourself REAL to me. I CHOOSE to accept You as my Savior. I CHOOSE to make You Lord OVER my life. They tell me You are a personal God, so SHOW ME YOU.”
God is not afraid of that challenge… God sees ALL things and He knows your heart! He knows if you have “father wounds” or “mother wounds” or if people have hurt you and disappointed you… God is no respecter of persons, so if you are as I was, sincere in the questioning, I promise you – He WILL meet you right there where you are at! The Bible says in Revelations 3:20:
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hears My voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.”
People disappoint us ALL the time, but don’t keep that from allowing you to enter into the MOST amazing, wonderful relationship you will EVER establish! I wish I had adequate words to say how much the Sinner’s prayer changed me! Not instantaneously, but over time as I developed a relationship with God, with the guidance of Holy Spirit and through Jesus. It may sound strange to you, and it will until you do as Psalm 34:8 says:
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”
Choosing to develop a relationship with Him is one that requires the same level of commitment you would invest in getting to know someone. Communication is a two-way street, and there are times when I talk to God (through prayer) and times when I need to quiet myself and listen. And let me add that my talking to God is JUST like I am writing this to you, like if I was sitting with you, conversing with you. That’s how I talk to God. God doesn’t need any “pretenses” with us. I always found it ridiculous to see “religious people” who are pious and have airs and try to “impress God” with their words. Listen, Psalm 139:2 says:
“You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.”
He already KNOWS you! He created you! He delights in you deciding upon getting to know Him! God wants to be known by you! Remember, we were originally created to BE in a relationship with Him! And let me tell you from personal experience – And I swear this is true! God has the MOST amazing sense of humor! That is the honest to God truth! Need an example? Okay – here is one! When I first accepted Jesus into my heart as my Savior, made Him Lord OVER my life, I didn’t want “people” to interfere with getting to know Him. If it was personal, then I felt as though I needed to get to know Him on a one-to-one basis – right? Like when you decide to have “an exclusive” relationship with someone. How did I do that? I bought a study Bible (it was an NIV, but you can buy ANY study Bible and Holy Spirit will begin to minister God’s truth to you as you read it. Let me also say, if you need a Bible, message me through this website and I will get one for you). And I began to study God’s Word. That’s the BEST way to get to know the Father, through His LIVING Word. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16:
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
As I began to read God’s Word, Holy Spirit would make certain scriptures that pertained to me jump off the pages! I can’t adequately explain it – but I CAN tell you, if you have a sincere desire to grow closer to God – reading His Word is the BEST way to do it! And I started reading the New Testament, I believe I started with the Book of John first.
When you choose to accept Jesus as your Savior, make Him Lord OVER your life, Holy Spirit enters your heart. He is the Third member of the Trinity. You can read about the Trinity on my Home page, Just Click on the pink link below:
Intimacy with the Father, is an AMAZING thing! Deep in the very heart of us exists a thirst that we aren’t even aware that we have, or what it is meant to be filled with – when we are spiritually blind, we try to fill this thirst with secondary things – people, objects, money, sex, drugs, alcohol or whatever we think will placate that thirst. Here is the thing – the ONLY thing that can quench that thirst is the very thing we were created to do and have – a relationship with the Creator! That IS what that thirst is for! And OH, the JOY that floods your soul once you experience the truth of the words I am writing. Don’t believe me? TEST ME ON THAT! (I’m laughing) and when you do! Message me! I speak the truth!
As I began to develop my relationship with the Father, by talking to Him (through prayer) and reading His Word, He began to reveal things to me. I began to seek Him on things, one of the things I began to question Him about, is what He wanted me to do with my life. I told you above, God has a wonderful sense of humor – here is one of the conversations I had with Him:
“Father God, what is it You want me to do with my life? Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be an actress. You know this is my major in school. Is THIS what You want me to do with my life?”
And God replied to me:
“Kelly, it is as plain as the nose on your face.”
And it was like He affectionately with the amused tone of His voice – “tweaked” my nose!
“What do you mean Father?”
“I’ve called you to write.”
I was surprised by that statement because ever since I was a little girl, I always wrote – kept journals or diaries, or wrote poems and short stories. It was just something that I did in the privacy of my bedroom. It was no big deal, just something I didn’t think much of, I just did.
I replied incredulous, I had never given become a writer much of a thought.
“You’ve called me to write?”
Amused and lovingly He replied:
“But I’ve always written.”
“I know… Exactly.”
Isn’t strange how the talents that we take for granted that we do, are actual gifts that God has given us? The things that we give no thought to – may very well be the calling that He has put on your life! Think about that! Think about something you enjoy doing, something that you take for granted that you do, you kind of just shrug it off that you are good playing the piano, cooking, sewing or decorating, singing, playing a sport, teaching, listening and advising people – whatever it is that you enjoy or have always done could BE the VERY thing that God wants you to do! It very well *may* be:
So, you see? That is one of many conversations over the course of my 34 relationship (so far) I have had with the Father. When I take time to have quiet time with Him, when I make sure I not only talk, but I listen so that I can hear Him (sometimes that is harder for me – to stay still and listen). HE DOES. Don’t allow “people” to determine your perception of God, God IS real and if you give Him a chance, enter into a relationship with Him through the gift of salvation that Jesus has freely provided for you, you too will see how very REAL God is, and how much He desires you to give Him a chance to know Him… It is the BEST decision I ever made – it is one where 34 years later, God is still revealing Himself to me, teaching me things, showing me things – many of the things that He has called me to write about! There is SO much God wants to reveal to you! You simply have to be open and willing to put aside your perceptions of Him and give Him a chance. Will you do that? What will it hurt you to try? If so, I will share what I prayed in case you decide to pray it to:
“Okay, Father – Kelly tells me You want to know me – or better yet You want ME to know YOU. I’m open to it… God, IF You are real, I need You to reveal Yourself to ME. If this is to be a personal relationship, then I need to experience a personal encounter with You. So here we go! Father God, I choose to accept the gift you have given me through Your Son, Jesus. Jesus, I accept You as my Savior. Thank You for dying on the cross for forgiveness of my sins. Please forgive me for my sins, wash me in Your precious blood. Come into my life and be my Lord and Savior. Make Yourself REAL to me, as You did Kelly. I want to personally see for myself that You are real. Thank you, Father God, Thank You Jesus. Holy Spirit You are welcome in my heart! Thank You Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray! AMEN”
Oh, you are SO in for it! (I’m looking at you, rejoicing and laughing with a twinkle in my eye as you read these words, if you have repeated that prayer out loud). You are on your way to experiencing the Love of God, which is (and has been) QUITE the journey! You have JUST made the BEST decision you could ever make, and I SO hope you message me, and as you grow in your relationship with Him, you share with ME what your experience is. In the beginning, you will simply spend time with the Father, getting to know Him through His Word, through conversation (prayer) with Him. Don’t be surprised if He brings others who love Him into your life! He will! The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26:
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one bodyâJews or Greeks, slaves or freeâand all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, âBecause I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,â that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, âBecause I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,â that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts. yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, âI have no need of you,â nor again the head to the feet, âI have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”
You are now a part of the body of Christ! And God will put people in your pathway who will bless you, be friend you, grow you in Him (and you will have the same effect on their lives!) – in God’s time. When I first started out in my relationship with God, I needed it to be just me and Him so that He could influence me, I didn’t want people to do it – so I was very protective about my relationship with Him. But in time, I wanted to be around other people who shared my love for Jesus. And there are MANY good, Worded-up, mighty much churches that are doing the work of God. Pray for God to lead you to where He would have you go – and you can BET He will.
I pray you take to heart my words; I pray you give God a chance, not based on anything other than a strong desire to SEE how REAL God is. He’s not afraid of the challenge, in fact He is MORE than ready, willing and able to meet you right there where you are at – you only have to invite Him in. Test me on this, and see how REAL God is, you owe it to yourself to do so. I pray you do. I did and He IS the very center of my life. Best decision I ever made. It will be yours too. I promise. đ
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