This is going to be a short – but true Word that the Lord has given me to share. If you are interceding on behalf of an unsaved family member or loved one, know that God hears your prayers. Don’t give up, keep believing God, keep interceding and keep praying. No matter WHAT you experience, no matter WHAT you go through – KEEP PRAYING.
Here is what I have seen. Whatever it is that is keeping them from coming to Christ God will allow to be disabled. Whatever it is that they are trusting in that is keeping them from Christ, God will allow to be demolished so that they will come to a place and a point where they will have to recognize that Jesus is Lord.
It is NOT God’s will that ANY should perish, therefore whatever it is that they are holding above Christ He will have them reach a point where they are on their face before Him. He will allow them to be stripped of EVERYTHNG that has elevated them above their need for Christ so that they will be humbled and have to admit their need for Him.
Don’t stop praying and interceding, you could be the ONLY one standing in the gap for their salvation, like Moses stood in the gap for the Israelites EVERY time they grumbled and moaned about the journey from Egypt to the promise land.
Remember, the Bible says in Philippians 2:11:
“Every knee SHALL bow. Every tongue confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord.”
If you are praying and interceding for an unsaved loved one – DON’T STOP. KEEP BELIEVING. Keep calling their name out before the Lord. God is merciful, God is faithful – Your prayers could be the only thing that brings them to the throne of grace. God may have saved you for such a time as this.
It is not God’s will that any should perish. Keep praying, keep believing no matter what it takes. We cannot save anyone only God can do that. We don’t always know what is going on behind the scenes of someone else’s life. Keep believing, keep loving and keep praying. The rest is up to God.
God has saved you for such a time as this – don’t belittle intercession. It is so hard sometimes to see what it takes in order for someone to get to a point of accepting God’s gift of salvation, remember what God allowed YOU to go through in order to get to that point of recognition that you needed Him ABOVE all other things. God did it with you and He will bring your loved ones or the ones you are praying for to a point where they have to decide to accept His gift, or not. He has created us with free-will so the choice is always ours. Intercession works. It may not always occur in the time or manner you wanted it to but the important thing is that it works! God DOES answer prayer! Remember, it is NOT God’s will that ANY perish, and I believe He gives people up until their VERY last breath the opportunity to spend eternity with Him or choose not to. KEEP praying, God IS able to soften hearts, remember He loves those YOU love SO much more than you. He created them, He knows them intimately. Don’t stop believing, keep praying. Keep the faith and watch and see what God will do. Many of us have testimonies BECAUSE of the fact that someone interceded on our behalf. We may not know until we cross over to the other side WHO accepted Christ and were saved because of our testimony, because of our faith, because of our intercession – The Bible tells us that we will be surprised by those we see. But our responsibility is to Pray! So don’t stop, someone’s salvation could be dependent upon your prayers. Keep standing in the gap on their behalf. You’ll be glad for the times God allows you to witness someone’s conversion, it is the MOST beautiful thing to witness, all because you were faithful and persevered in prayer. \0/ \0/ \0/