How About Renewing Your Mind This Christmas?

As I spent time in prayer this morning, Holy Spirit gave me a Word to share.  This is a Word that some will receive, and others will not, but it is one that will resound with many of you who perhaps have experienced a year like no other… I pray that as I share it, Holy Spirit will minister to your hearts and that you do with this word whatever it is He leads you to do.  May God bless and keep you.

The holidays are almost upon us, and for those of us who consider ourselves part of God’s Called Remnant (followers of Christ, Born-Again Believers) I believe that we are being called at this dark time, these last days with a deeper perspective than that which the world offers. There is nothing wrong with material things, the hustle and bustle and focus on the holidays become less about what we should be thankful for and more about what we should have. I feel like for many of us, Holy Spirit is wanting us to enter into a time of intercession.  Think about the people in your life, really think about them and as they come to mind, ask Holy Spirit to show you how He sees them.  Not in a judgmental kind of way, but in a way that you can effectively give them the BEST gift of all – prayers of intercession. The gift that costs you nothing financially but is worth more than anything you could purchase at a department store. Now, I say this not for you to reveal that gift to the individual you are prayerfully gifting with your time or with your prayer – but for you to be able to do so, with the attitude of not letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing.  But that Holy Spirit, as you bring that person before the throne of God in prayer, will press upon your heart what it is that person REALLY needs that is beyond anything you could materially buy for them.  All that it will cost you is your attentiveness through prayer in what Holy Spirit reveals as you lift that person up in prayer and pray that Holy Spirit helps you to know how you can pray for that individually most affectively, that it will be YOUR faith in action that will honor that person as you lift them up before the Father and intercede on their behalf… Maybe you are interceding for spiritual blinders to be removed off of eyes, so that someone will receive the gift of salvation this Christmas.  Maybe you are standing in the gap for someone, believing God for emotional or physical healing… Maybe you are praying for financial blessings to meet needs or for a single friend to find their Boaz or Ruth.  Whatever it is, when you sit down and write out your list of people you intend to give a Christmas gift this Christmas, maybe do it with a new perspective.  Pray that Holy Spirit will give you a discernment as to what the REAL needs of that person(s) are so that instead (or along with running out to the mall) you are spending time in prayer individually focusing on the TRUE needs of those you love in a way that only the Father knows they need.  And I should add this… Perhaps wisdom would indicate not telling them until that prayer made in faith has been answered, and you can then share with them at that time, that Holy Spirit led you to intercede on their behalf the prayer that God has faithfully answered.  That He would receive ALL the glory and honor and praise for being the faithful Father that He is.

So, are you ready to make a list of names?  This is going to feel like exercising, working a rarely used spiritual muscle because this is not how we usually “gift shop” I call this “spiritual shopping” 🙂 This is a transformation of our minds, and it may feel that way… This type of “shopping” requires utilizing a different kind of patience than that of waiting in line.  But the reward in seeing Holy Spirit answer prayer makes this type of “shopping” well worth it – and it is one that you can do ALL year round, not only at Christmas time!

Grab a pen and a piece of paper and list the names of all those you intend to “Christmas shop” and intercede in prayer for, as you go down that list of people ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you what it is that person needs MOST.  Your gift is the time you take listening to what Holy Spirit reveals to you and your prayer made in faith for interceding for whatever it is.  Gifting in this way requires a transformation of one’s mind transitioning over from the worldly way of thinking into the spiritual way of thinking.  You very well *may* be the only person praying for the needs of that individual. Your gift of prayer will not be an item that when that person has passed away, ends up on the shelf of “Good Will” or some thrift shop, but will bless them in the here and now with whatever it is they need either in their walk with the Lord (if they are saved) or in coming to Christ (if they are not saved).  What a privilege to intercede, and how little our minds think that way… 

As Holy Spirit gave me this Word, He has shown me that this is a renewed way of thinking…  A perception that needs to replace years of celebrating in the way of the world. 


We can see intercession throughout the entire Bible.  It is prayers of intercession and prayers of faith that have made a difference.  It is one that God is calling us to renew our minds and stand IN faith believing for others as we believe for ourselves.  How about instead (or if you want, along with) standing in line to pay for that worldly item you are purchasing, you take the time to pray for an unperishable gift based upon your faith for someone else? Watch and see what God will do with those prayers of intercession.  It JUST might be the very BEST gift you can give, life transforming, lifesaving, healing, provision – you CANNOT out give God. There is NO greater gift than being used as a vessel for Him, the One who owns ALL things. Let’s go RIGHT to the source of the One Who knows what is needed most of all… For He gave us the GREATEST gift of all:


Which is the TRUE meaning of Christmas after all. Let’s give the gift of intercession, we can ALL afford to spend the time instead (or along with) the money.  The TRUE gifts of Christmas, the TRUE way to love… In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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