God Has a Message For You

I can only speak to what I know. What I have experienced myself… You can choose to believe me or not believe me, but Holy Spirit is prompting me to write this to someone and as a Scribe for the LORD, my job is to be obedient to what He calls me to do and write.  Holy Spirit takes these Words from this blog to whoever and wherever it needs to go, that’s His role, not mine and I trust Him to do so.  I do NOT write to be popular; if only one person is ministered to, encouraged or blessed in the reading of these posts, I will consider myself blessed. I write to be obedient to my calling. It is the deepest desire of my heart that others will love God as I love Him, for I KNOW Him to be real.  You can read about my experience in coming to know Him in the “About Me” section above. But Holy Spirit is prompting me to write the following, and it might be specifically for you:

Someone reading this right now has been in a lot of emotional pain.  You have tried in so many different ways to run from that pain.  You have tried to ignore it, you have tried to cover it up, you have tried to numb it but no matter what you do, the pain finds you again.  God wants you to know that He sees you.  He wants you to know that He longs to wrap His arms around you and fill you with His love, but you continue to shrug Him off, not realizing that He is REAL.

Because you have been hurt by people and by life you are under the false impression that He is a stern, mean Father who wants to condemn you, make you feel worthless and no good.  But God wants You to know that He LOVED you from the moment He created you in your mother’s womb.  That the broken and fallen world that you were born in to was not the environment He had originally intended for mankind to exist in.  That there have been many times in your life that He has tried to reveal Himself to you but you were oblivious to ALL the ways He has tried.  But He wants me to tell you that He is NOT giving up on you! He has specifically cited Revelations 3:20 for you:

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

This past couple of years have been extremely hard for you, you have experienced disappointments, frustrations and loss.  Instead of turning to Him you turned to substitutes to numb your pain, but the numbness only lasts a little while and you come face to face with your pain.  What you are doing is putting a band aid on a wound which needs cleaning out and needs to be stitched up.  The wound deep inside you is festering and instead of getting better, it is getting worse. And what was once a small issue has become a larger one.  Seeds of bitterness are growing roots inside the very heart of you and it (like a weed) is growing to the point where every GOOD thing in life is unable to penetrate what the roots have taken over. Distrust and anger have filled your heart and you are carrying ALL that you are feeling and the burden of it all is getting heavier and heavier.  You are feeling hopeless and wonder WHY you even bother trying?  You are beginning to think that the world would be better off without you in it.  You are tired of hurting, tired of being disappointed by people, tired of struggling.  You just want peace.  You don’t want to hurt anymore.  The Father wants you to know that He never intended you to carry a heavy load.  He sees you struggling, and He longs to help you by encouraging you to leave it at that foot of the cross, but because you choose to avoid Him, deny Him and push Him aside He has had to abide by your free will.  He wants you to know that He created you for a specific purpose!  That He sees GREATNESS in you!  He wants you to hear these words, as they are coming from Him!  That when you have reached a point where you are ready to allow Him to SHOW you JUST how REAL HE is – He will be standing there with open arms to love on you.

He wants you to know that He DOES know what it feels like to feel like no one loves you, no one is there for you, that you are alone.  He KNOWS what it feels like to be rejected by those who SHOULD have been there for you and weren’t.  He has been rejected MANY times.  His own creation has rejected His love.  Maligned His name.  Spoken about Who He is falsely. Worshiped things and false Gods instead of turning to the One true God.  There have been times that in the name of “religion” people have been taught about a mean Father Who is looking to punish and hurt His creation.  He wants You to know that that has been a misrepresentation of His character.  A maligning, falsity of Who He is, that has pained Him greatly! He knows what it is like to “lose a loved one” He has lost MANY that He has loved but refused to love Him or receive His love in return.  Turning their backs on Him instead. Even though time and time again He has blessed them, beseeching them to SEE that He is RIGHT before their very eyes.  Yet they do not recognize that He has been there through the good times and the bad, even when they have not been aware of it.

He wants you to know that He loves you SO much that He left the glories of Heaven to personally restore you to a RIGHT relationship with Him, one where you could have the opportunity to know for YOURSELF WHO He is!  How did He do this??? He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sin-less life and died on the cross for forgiveness of your sins and ALL the sins of the world so that death and sin could be defeated!  He rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven and even RIGHT now is seated at the right-hand of the Father interceding on YOUR behalf!  Why? Because He cares!  And He’s coming back again!

He asks that you turn to Him and give Him a chance to show you personally that He is real.  What have you to lose?  Would you be any worse off than you are in hurting by *NOT* allowing Him the chance to reveal Himself to you?  This is something that does not require the opinion of anyone else.  Does not require for you to go anywhere and commit to joining anything.  It only requires you, in the quiet of wherever you are reading this now – verbally or silently as long as it is genuinely meant to pray the following:

Father God, I’m doing this because You want me to… Because You are asking me to.  Because I REALLY want to know IF You are real.  So, You have my undivided attention right now. IF You are REAL, make Yourself REAL to me in a way that ONLY You and I would know it as a confirmation of Your “realness.” I choose on my own accord to accept You in my heart as my Savior, I choose to see if You can be LORD OVER my life.  I ask You to forgive me of my sins, and wash me with the blood of Jesus.  Make a difference, show me YOU.  In Your Son, Jesus’ name I pray AMEN.

As I said at the beginning of this post – my only job is to write what Holy Spirit tells me to write.  But I can tell you that if Holy Spirit meant that message for you and you have decided to give God a chance to reveal Himself to you, HE WILL.  And it will be in a way that is PERSONAL – it will be between YOU and Him!  And when He does reveal Himself, YOU are going to RECOGNIZE that it is HIM.  And you are going to be astonished.  If you feel led to share it with me, you can write me at the link below. I would love to hear from you what God does, because He IS going to do something! Just you wait and see! 


He is NOT a God that He would lie!  HE DEEPLY AND TRULY LOVES YOU.  And He wants you to know it.  Get Ready, your life with Him is about to begin! \0/ \0/ \0/

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