Do You Want the Truth? Here He Is…

The true measure of your faith is found in how you respond to those valley moments in your walk with God. It is in those moments when one realizes that we were not created to be independent upon our Creator.  We were created to NEED God, to be in fellowship WITH God.  In those valley moments do you do as Lot’s wife told him he should do? (I’m referring to the Book of Job (Job 2:9):

“Curse God and die!”

Or do you find yourself at the end of yourself, but holding on the Father ALL the harder? In earnest? Going against what your fleshly feelings are telling you to do and worship Him and praise Him because of Who He is?  Moments like that really reveals whether your faith is in yourself or in God, Who is BIGGER than what we deem is “impossible.”  This is why dear reader it is important to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, which is TRULY our lifeline… This is where we realize that we are determined to walk by faith OR to sink into the mire of our circumstances by removing our eyes off God our Creator Who has ordained ALL the steps in our lives.  At our lowest moment we get to choose “faith” or “fear.”

I have found myself thinking about how in Genesis when God created man (Adam).  Told to us in Genesis 2:7:

“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

The very breath of God is in YOU.  It got me thinking about how when a baby is born the delivering physician suctions the mucus out of the baby’s air passages and everyone waits in expectation to hear the baby take his first breath – the anticipated cry, and when it happens everyone rejoices with relief.

I will tell you that ironically, when a person is birthed from death into eternal life (or eternal death…) there is what is referred to as “the death rattle” which is when mucus fills those airways and it sounds to any observer as though that person needs to have it suctioned out (and it can’t be), and they exhale that very breath of life…

What an absolute lie from the pit of Hell to think that we were made to be independent from the very One that Created us! What a slap in the Father’s face! If you think you can live independent of the One Who knit you together in your mother’s womb (take a look at Psalm 139:13) you are very sadly mistaken. 

There is a mighty spiritual battle occurring and many of you reading this have been blinded to it – but just because you don’t believe it is happening does not make it so. My prayer for you is that Holy Spirit will reach you, touch you and open up blind eyes to see, ears to hear the mighty truth of the Bible.


If you woke up this morning, it is because of God’s grace, God’s mercy, God’s love and God’s patience – He has a plan for your life (no matter HOW old you are) and it is NOT His will that ANY perish, but that ALL would come to the knowledge of His greatest gift of all – salvation, which can ONLY be found through His Son, Jesus the Christ.  The Messiah. You see God loves you SO much that He left the glories of Heaven to come down here, RIGHT where you are.  Clothed in the garments of flesh, born of the virgin Mary. Jesus is the Second Member of the Trinity (Click on the pink link below and scroll ALL the way down if you don’t understand what I mean by “the Trinity”) He lived a sin-less life, choosing to take the sins of the world (yours and mine) upon Himself, died on the cross for forgiveness of our sins to allow us to enter into a right relationship with the Father.


Because God created you with the gift of “free will” you get to choose whether or not you are going to accept His gift of salvation or reject it.  If you choose to live a life without God (rejecting God), you are also choosing to live an ETERNAL life without God.

How do you accept God’s gift? It’s actually pretty simple, but it has to come from your heart. You have to REALLY mean it.  If that is you than pray with me below:

“Father God, if what Kelly is telling me is true, I want to find out for myself… I need You to make Yourself REAL to ME. I thank You for leading me to this post, I ask that You please forgive me of my sins.  Wash me with the precious blood of Jesus… Jesus, please come into my heart and be LORD OVER my life. I choose to accept You as my Savior. Thank You for hearing this prayer.  In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen.”

The days are getting darker, we need God more THAN ever. If you prayed that prayer, by yourself a Bible (or message me and I will send you one).  I would begin with the Book of John (that’s where I began, 36 years ago when I prayed that prayer). I give you my word – God WILL reveal Himself to you, because I KNOW He is real.  I have SEEN what God has done and can do.  You simply have to believe…

I’ve reached a point in my walk, where I realize how dependent I am upon the One TRUE God.  How thankful I am that He opened my spiritual eyes and ears up to the gift of salvation.  He IS the Way, He IS the Truth AND the Life.  He IS able to move mountains.  He HAS provided for ALL my needs.  He IS an ever-present help in time of trouble.  I may not always have what I want, but I have what I need and what I have realized that what I need more than ANYTHING in this life is HIM.  And it’s not because someone “made me do it” it is because I realize that I AM dependent upon Him, and you know what? Every time I have tried to figure out things on my own without Him, I either make a bigger mess or I realize that I JUST can’t do it on my own – nor do I want to!

People will fail you ALL the time (including me) but God NEVER will. God will NEVER leave you, He will NEVER forsake you!  It is just that you have to believe Him and make a decision for yourself in order to see the truth of my words.

It doesn’t mean that life is going to become “easy-peasy” because it is not – we live in a fallen, sinful world that is growing darker EVERY day.  satan knows that his time is short. But Jesus through His death on the cross and His resurrection has defeated satan.  Jesus has defeated sin, defeated death. And 1 John 4:4 IS true:

“Greater is He that is in me than he that is within the world.”

As many words as I write, I will NEVER be able to find adequate enough words to describe what it feels like to experience the love of God.  To love God beyond and before ANYTHING else. When you realize that you have the VERY breath of God within you, that you have a Father Who loves you enough to send His Son to die for you – at some point you reach a point in your life where that is the ONLY thing that matters…

Listen, last year I lost my husband of 6 years to a very rare cancer, I lost my mom 3 months later. At the same time my husband went through cancer, I went through cancer too!  And let me testify to you – that when you are served a double portion of grief, it can either bring you to your knees in anguish and anger OR it can bring you to your knees in prayer.  It brought me to my knees in anguish – but I poured out that anguish THROUGH prayer.  Through conversing with my Father.  You see, God promises us in His Word (the Bible) that He will NEVER leave NOR forsake us.  I believe that.  Now the Bible doesn’t say we will “understand everything we go through” so instead I turned to the One Who has ALL the answers. I don’t understand why God decided to heal me on this side of the grave (and my husband on the other), but I CAN tell you that as much as I loved my husband and my mother – God loves them MORE.  I prayed for my mother’s salvation for 36 years, and a year before her death, she made a profession of faith and accepted Jesus as her Savior, made Him LORD OVER her life.  So the victory wasn’t the devil’s – it was God’s.  22 years prior to that, my father (before he died) accepted Christ and made Jesus His LORD and Savior. My husband was a follower of Christ as well.  You may not know whether or not your loved ones at one point or another made a profession of faith – and I would not worry about it because TRULY that is between them and God.  God IS merciful, we don’t know what happens up until the VERY last moment of someone’s life, it is NOT God’s will that ANY should perish, God doesn’t want ANYONE to experience eternal life without Him, but the choice ALWAYS remains ours to make.

Instead, in spite of my grief of losing them (I miss them every day) I am comforted by the fact that I WILL see them again. That we will NEVER be separated again and we will live for ALL eternity with the God Who loved us enough to die for us.  I pray that you come to the realization that you can’t make it on your own.  If you think that you can, then that is your pride talking.  And pride TRULY does come before a fall. I don’t know who wrote this, but this week I came across the following, and it IS the honest to goodness truth, let me share it with you:

When you die, don’t worry about your body…
Your relatives and funeral staff will do it. I know this first hand. I’ve done it myself…
They will take you out of the house and deliver you to the funeral home of your family’s choice.
They will take off your clothes
They will wash you
They will dress you up
They will even apply makeup to make you look presentable
Many will come to the funeral to honor you.
Some will even cancel their plans and ask for leave to go to the funeral.
Your things–things you hate to be borrowed will be sold, donated or burned.
Your keys
Your tools
Your books
Your CDs, DVDs, games
Your collections
Your clothes…
And be sure the world won’t stop and cry for you.
The economy will continue.
You will be replaced in work. Someone with the same or even better ability will take your place.
Your property will switch to heirs.
And don’t doubt the small and big things you have done in your life will be spoken of, judged, doubted and criticized.
People who only knew your face will say, ′′Poor thing!”
Your good friends will cry for a few hours or several days, but then they will laugh again.
Your pets will get used to the new owner.
Your pictures will be hanging on the wall for a while, then they will be put on furniture and finally stored at the bottom of the box.
Someone else will sit on your couch and eat from it.
Deep pain in your home will last a year, two, maybe ten… Then you will join the memories and then your story will end.
It will end among people, end here, end in this world.
But your story begins in a new reality… in your life after death.
The things you once have will lose their meaning. You cannot bring your earthly possessions here.
the beauty of your body
last name
working position
bank account
the house
the car
academic titles
Friends of the world
man / woman
the kids
the family…
In your new life, you will only need your soul.
The only property that will last is the soul.

John 14:6 tells us:

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: No man cometh unto the Father except by Me.”

Many of us can tell you the truth of the above, if you have gone through the death of a loved one, you know how true the above us.  As I said before, I didn’t write that, but I acknowledge the truth of the words. You probably have tried everything else, isn’t it time you see the truth of my words for yourself?  In spite of all I have gone through, I can tell you that God IS a GOOD, GOOD Father.  There is NO greater experience in life than experiencing God’s love for yourself.  He IS my life.  He IS my reason.  He IS my purpose.  I pray that these words make Him become yours as well. 

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