The Most EXCELLENT Adventure!

I don’t know what it is you are going through, or if you are going through anything at all… But there is ONE thing I DO know – GOD IS GREATER.

If you are feeling helpless, like you don’t have ANY answers – let me tell you this – GOD is the answer.  He’s the answer for ANY situation. That’s not some mamsy pampsy advice.  It is the best advice anyone can give you.  Whether or not you take it is up to you, but I can attest – Jesus IS the answer to every question, every problem, every issue.  How do I know?  Because when you make the decision to believe He is Savior, and you allow Him into your heart, and you make Him Lord over your life – He shows up BIG TIME.

God did NOT create us to live a life WITHOUT the GIVER of LIFE (Him) at the helm of it. Living a life without Him is hollow.  It’s empty.  Even if you have EVERYTHING you could possibly want – if you don’t have God, all that glitters is NOT gold.  And if this, is you, and you are reading my words – you are feeling as if something is calling to you, that there is an emptiness inside of you and your frustrated because you’ve felt it for years and have ignored it.  Tried to fill it with other things – a career, love, hobbies – it doesn’t necessarily have to be something bad, but you still feel incomplete, lacking, lackluster, maybe even annoyed, depressed, like you are reaching for something, and you don’t know what it is that you want.  What you want is GOD.  The very essence of who you are CANNOT be found until you truly recognize what it is that can only bring you to true completion.  When I say I know how that feels, I am telling you the truth, your very spirit is crying out for union with the lover of your soul.  You can ignore it, push it aside, shrug it off, try and shut it up but it always comes back to the same thing, feeling like ….”There is something MORE.” 

Let me tell you THERE IS.  The ONLY thing that takes away that soul longing is coming into the knowledge of your Creator, the One Who formed you in the palms of His hands. No matter what situation you were born into – God KNEW you were going to be born, He created you. Nothing comes as a surprise to Him.  The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 1:5:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart: I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

It also says in Psalm 139:13-16:

“For you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

God created you with a God-given purpose, One that He knew (knows!) that you would be perfect for! One that He has given you gifts to achieve!  You were created with a higher calling – but it is up to you to fulfill it and the ONLY way you can TRULY do that is to turn to the One who gave you the gifts you have – HIM.

Let me tell you, from the age of three I just KNEW I was going to be an actress!  From the time my mother bought me (from a yard sale) the soundtrack “West Side Story” I knew that an actress was what I wanted to be!  It was not until at the age of 21 I was introduced to Jesus and after committing my life to Him by recognizing Him as Savior and making Him Lord over my life, did He reveal to me (when I asked Him) that He had not called me to act, He had called me to do something I had always done, but never thought much of – to write!  He had called me to be a scribe for Him!  Imagine my astonishment as gifts that I had always used (I’ve always kept journals, diaries, wrote stories – but never intended to do anything with them, writing was just a way I expressed my emotions or jotted down what I was going through since I first learned to write).  Listen to me – sometimes the things you just do naturally, without ANY kind of added thought, are the gifts God has instilled within you because He has a purpose for you!  YOU WERE CREATED WITH A PURPOSE!  Now, ol’slewfoot wants to keep you ignorant of that purpose.  He doesn’t want you to use your talents to glorify God!  No!  He wants you to use them for secular purposes, and he wants to keep you blinded to the fact that there are things God has for you to do!  The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:9-10:

“So, we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”

I can personally tell you that there is NOTHING more satisfying in knowing and walking in the purpose that God has called you to walk!  Once you know what the calling is on your life and you are open for God to use you for His glory – THAT my beloved is a WOW moment!  For the light of Christ to radiate in you, from you and through you and for God to be glorified – honestly, there is NO greater joy!  And let me tell you if you don’t know this already, once you have allowed yourself “to taste and see that the Lord is good!” (As in Psalms 34:8 )  You will bug out over the goodness of God!  The peace that passes ALL understanding fills your very soul. Accompanying that is joy and the most incredible love you will ever experience!  There is NOTHING like Holy Spirit laughter!  Now some of you are raising an eyebrow at me reading these words right now – but it is TRUE!  Holy Spirit has the BEST sense of humor.  There will be inside jokes that are JUST shared between you and God!  GOD IS GOOD and you CANNOT begin to know the goodness of God until you invite Him into your life, recognize Him as Savior and make Him Lord over your life.  How do you do this? How do you experience what I’m talking about? It’s really very simple, pray this prayer:

“Father God, I want to experience what Kelly is talking about. I want to know You. IF YOU ARE REAL, (and He is…) please make Yourself real to me. I thank You for bringing me to this post, I believe that You sent Your Son, Jesus, who was born of the virgin Mary, to die on the cross for forgiveness of my sins, I ask that You forgive me for my sins and wash me with the precious blood of Jesus. Jesus, come into my heart as my Savior and be Lord over my life. By faith I invite You in – thank You Jesus, thank You Father God, thank You Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ precious name I pray – AMEN.”

If you have prayed that prayer, I hope you will send me a private message and let me know so that I can continue praying for you. You are about to embark on the absolute BEST journey of your life! And what do you need for this journey? A REALLY good study Bible!  So if you can, go out and get yourself a Bible! If you need one and can’t get one, message me and I will send you one! The way you grow in Christ is through reading His Word and learning more about Him as well as discovering who YOU are in Him! And prayer is simply talking to God, so talk to Him!  And watch Beloved, He WILL respond!  God IS greater, God IS great!  And you are about to find out JUST how great He is! Welcome to being one of His Called Remnant! Welcome to the family of Christ! There is a party going on in Heaven over you right now! The Bible says in Luke 15:10:

“There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

The most excellent adventure you can have is the one you created to experience, God has a purpose for your life and your goal now should be in discovering what that purpose is!  I have an embroidered saying framed on my home office wall that I found in a thrift shop years ago, it says:

“Your Work is to Discover Your Work.”

As you grow in Christ, you will discover so much – not only about Him, but who YOU are in Him and what He has called you to do – and that my friend, is the BEST adventure of all, to venture in Him who loves you. It’s like that Holy Spirit light goes on inside of you and you suddenly have an “aha” moment.  There is satisfaction and excitement in setting out to be all that God has intended you to be and it is one of constant discovery!  Once you give your life over to Him, you are His vessel and it is one where you wake up in the morning and you say, “Okay Father, thank You for another day!  What do you have for me to do this day?”  And the divine appointments with people begin to occur.  Divine moments where God situates you where He wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do.  There is peace in knowing that you are not responsible for yourself anymore – God is!  And the knowledge that since you have opened yourself up to it and given your life to Him, YOU BELONG TO HIM!  You made a decision for Christ, so you are HIS. Whatever happens in this life, you are God’s and God’s got you and while that doesn’t mean that life will be hunky dory (it wasn’t for Jesus), nothing can occur that God is not aware of – you are sealed for His kingdom.  You are God’s responsibility, and He knows what He is doing (even when we do not!).  There is peace in knowing that the God of the universe has you.  YOU are a child of the Utmost High God!  And here is the part that will make you smile – He’s called you by name!  (See Isaiah 43:1). God is personal, He is not this “pie-in-the-sky-waaaaaaaaay-up-there” kind of God.  He’s a “pulls -a- seat-up-next-to-you-and-leans-forward-to-listen-to-you” kind of God.  He always desired you to be in a relationship with Him – You only have to believe and accept Him.  Jesus said in Revelations 3:20:

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Listen, at the end of this life the only thing that will matter is where you are going to spend eternity, you can spend it with God, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9:

“However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him.”

Or you can choose to live an eternity without Him… I pray you heed these words and choose wisely; it will be the most important decision you will ever make, but YOU get to make it. God loves you so much, life is supposed to be about walking in God’s love.  There is no greater purpose and no greater joy than discovering Him and who YOU are in HIM.  I pray you do! 🙂

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