Pssssst, Hey you! Yeah, I’m talking to YOU. Listen up…
God’s grace is greater than your sins.
I’ll say it another way :
God’s forgiveness is greater than ANYTHING you could have done in your life.
One more way:
The blood of Jesus is STRONGER and more potent than ANYTHING ol’slewfoot could bring your way or accuse you of…
You just have to repent, turn away from, choose God. It’s really so simple that many miss it… We make it more difficult than it needs to be. And here is the kicker – if you already are a Christian, if you already have given your life to Christ and made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, the battle does not end there… Oh no! Ol’ slewfoot and his minions change up their battle plan, remember the biggest battlefield is that of your mind. He will try to bring up past sins, past regrets, he will taunt you with things you have already repented of:
“Remember when you…”
“Look at the ripple affect from what you did, said, thought…”
He uses guilt, sorrow and remorse to make you doubt God’s forgiveness on whatever you have repented of. Heck, sometimes that dirty ol’ demon will even use loved ones to taunt you! To critique you! To have you wallow in regret and depression.
There is NO low that satan will go to have you turn your eyes downward and off the focus on the One who died on the cross for forgiveness of your sins.
(Did you hear that??? Not just for SOME of your sins but for ALL) and Who rose again!!!!
Here is the question, Warrior blood bought reader I want us to think about today:
Whose report are you going to choose to believe (and walk in) as you get up this morning and start your new, God-given day????
I choose to believe the report of the Lord!!! I choose to believe the Word of God and confess my promises verbally with my mouth!
“Father God, thank You for a brand new day! Thank You for forgiving me of ALL my sins! Thank You for reminding me of Your Word that tells me that when I confess my sins you forgive me and throw them as far as the east is from the west! I BELONG TO YOU! I am a new creature in Christ, the old is gone and the new has come! I am NOT the same person I once was! Lord, I thank You that You can be glorified in ANY situation. The Bible is full of turn around examples of people who You have brought through and used for Your glory. Greater is He that is in me than he that is within the world. Silence the mouth of the accuser and continue to be glorified in my life. Thank You Father for reminding me ofYour love, your forgiveness, Your mercy and Your grace, I know that I belong to You. Now please go before me this day and give me strength to keep my eyes focused on You. I love You Father, I love You Jesus, I love You Holy Spirit. Be glorified in Jesus’ name I pray – Amen.”