Denial. Something that everyone does at some point in their lives (and maybe even as you read these words, you are doing it now). It began in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve denied their wrongdoing and placed the blame on someone or something other than themselves.
Being in denial is a very dangerous place to be… When we take a long hard look at ourselves, when we stop denying or hiding behind someone else God is able to heal whatever needs healing because we admit what we once denied. Are you hiding behind a finger pointing at someone else? It’s easier to judge someone for what you think their faults are than asking God to help you through those that are your own. Maybe it’s too painful for you to take a good look at your own self instead of the accusation and finger pointing of someone else.
Are you hiding behind the fault pointing of others? Are there layers of wounds that have become so thick and hardened that you think you just have to live with that chip on your shoulder and have the right to judge others when you should be allowing God to heal and change you?
I can speak what I have personally learned. I know what it is like to focus on other people’s shortcomings and faults or to hide behind denial because fixing what I needed fixed was too painful. But at some point in our lives (especially if we have given our lives to God) we have to do an about face and face what we’ve been denying and just like cleaning out an infected wound , it hurts! But with the admitting, confessing and turning whatever it is over into the hands of Him who died for our sins and who tells us to give our burdens to Him, that His yoke is light – our denial turns to truth and healing and freedom from the prison of pain and anger and resentment that perhaps we didn’t even know we were in! God wants you to walk in His peace that was bought with a great price!!! Denial is a very dangerous place to be. God gave me this word to share with someone today, I pray these words fall on good soil and God ministers to you. He came to set the captives free.