Pressing In…
The One Who Stays…
Just a Spoon Full of Sugar…
Snake Fights – Choose Your Battle Wisely…
Do YOU Love Him? David Danced…
When you are passionate about something – it shows! Merriam Webster dictionary describes the word passionate as “expressing intense feeling.” Worship is about pouring out love to the One who loved you first! There are MANY ways to worship Him. It is an act of adoration and how you choose to show God your love […]
Are You Ready? Are You Set? GO!!!!!
Are You Experiencing Heart-Attacks?? Otherwise Known as “People Wounds”
People wounds. Satan’s biggest weapon, using the people that surround you or those you love most as weapons of warfare. Why? Because his plan is to attack at your most vulnerable place, and he knows that is your heart. It’s why the Bible tells us “To guard our hearts because it is the well spring […]
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