Category: Uncategorized
Who is it That is Directing You? What’s Your GPS?
Where are you getting your directions on your journey called life? Are you sure you are going in the right direction? Maybe its time you sat down for a moment and re-evaluated what direction you are headed, you don’t want to miss the destination God has in store for you… The journey… YOUR journey… Every which […]
Is Your Light on Dim? Is Your Oil Low?
“Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice to Deceive!” ~ Sir Walter Scott Even if he did say so himself, the web was magnificent, translucent and large. The design beautifully created, although unless you were of his species you would not be able to appreciate its intricate design, the time it […]
The Battle
The Blame Game
My husband and I have been watching a talent show that comes on twice a week, where contestants have been given the opportunity to showcase their talent. Every contestant that is presented gives a soliloquy introducing themselves and within the context of EACH introduction makes it a point to focus a moment of tremendous sadness […]
God is Tinkering with You…
Snake Fights – Choose Your Battle Wisely…
Are You Ready? Are You Set? GO!!!!!
Are You Experiencing Heart-Attacks?? Otherwise Known as “People Wounds”
People wounds. Satan’s biggest weapon, using the people that surround you or those you love most as weapons of warfare. Why? Because his plan is to attack at your most vulnerable place, and he knows that is your heart. It’s why the Bible tells us “To guard our hearts because it is the well spring […]
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