Can you imagine how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego felt as they were being forced into the fiery furnace for refusing to worship King Nebuchadnezzar? Let’s not fabulize them – Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were REAL people like you and I. If you don’t know their story you can read it in the book of Daniel 3:16-28. These were men of faith! But they were REAL men. Their faith was in God, but I’m quite sure their hearts beat faster, that fear tried to overcome them (come on now, I am being truthful!) but their resolve to honor and worship ONLY God was stronger than any fear that would try to overcome them in the midst of their situation.
Not so much has changed since then, although Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego had to face a literal fire – a hot furnace that was SO hot it was described like this in Daniel 3:22:
“…the furnace exceeding hot, the flames of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.”
Now THAT is a hot furnace!!! So hot it actually killed the king’s men who were bringing them to be put into the furnace! How ironic, right?! I speak of what I know, and that is this – whatever we go through in life, if you have accepted Jesus as Savior, made Him Lord OVER your life, than no matter what fiery trials come your way (and you can’t get through life without experiencing SOME fiery trials! 😉 Hey – Jesus did!). The difference is, God is with us. Out of EVERYTHING I know, it is that which I know the most. The second part of that is the fact that when we give our lives to the One Who gave His life for ours, our lives are no longer our own. Jesus is in control. Our lives belong to Him! Jesus promised us that He would NEVER leave NOR forsake us. God is not a God that He would lie. What Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went through – Jesus was RIGHT there with them. What assurance we have because of that! Things *may* come as a surprise to us, may cause us to feel dismayed, but God (even when it doesn’t FEEL like it) is STRONGER than ANYTHING life could possibly throw our way. When you have Jesus as your Savior and Lord, there is a peace that the world knows not of…
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had it right. Do you know what is scary? Scary is depending on self! Scary is NOT believing there is a God! Scary is rejecting the precious, gracious, loving gift that God has given us – scary is doubting God. Scarier still is blaming the God Who left the glories of Heaven to meet us RIGHT here where we are at, dressed Himself in flesh because He is THAT personable a God. Walked among us living a sinless life, died on the cross for forgiveness of OUR sins so that we could be redeemed and have a right relationship with the Father! How can you not walk in TRUST in a God who loves us THAT much????
“Father God, I thank You for choosing to be with me in those hot fiery furnace moments. I thank you that I belong to You because of the great sacrifice You endured for me. Help me to trust You MORE every day! Help me to love You back mighty much! Remember that I am but dust! Forgive me for my sins and the ways I have failed You, wash me in the precious blood of Jesus. The life I live I live for Your glory – as Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego did! Knowing that if You have brought me to it, You will glorify Yourself and get me through it to come out RIGHT where You want me to be. In You and with You. May it be so ALL the days of my life. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.”
Loving God and trusting Him through whatever you experience in life is not something to be ashamed of, whatever you are experiencing – God goes before you, behind you and beside you… And honestly, that’s REALLY all that matters… The rest is up to Him… No better place to be than in the palms of His hands. 😉 Take it from one who knows. 😉