Posts by thecallrem:

Blessings & Provisions from God – Are You Listening?

    I want to share something that Holy Spirit brought to my attention earlier this month, I hadn’t much thought about this prior and my guess is that there are many who will benefit from this post… I also want to add this disclosure, at Holy Spirit’s prompting I am attaching a very personal […]

Are You a Fountain for Jesus? Or are You a Drain?

The church is the body of Christ, WE are the church – not a building, not a place but the people.  I have written about this in a post entitled, “Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple, Open the Door – Here’s all the People” (click on pink link listed below): Here’s the Church, Here’s the […]

What’s in YOUR Basket?

Imagine this – you are a follower of Christ; you have left everything to follow Him.  You have seen Him perform miracles and have personally felt His love.  Your only desire is to sit at his feet as Mary (Martha’s sister did) and listen to Him teach. Your only desire is to follow Him ALL […]

Trust the Growth Process – Holy Spirit is RIGHT There with You!

I can only write about what I know… What I have experienced or what Holy Spirit is directing me to write, and here is something that has been front and center in my head… If you are part of God’s Called Remnant, He is calling you to walk BY faith, that means trusting Him for […]

Are You of Sober Mind? Wisdom-Walking Takes Practice RISE Above It, Child of God!

The word Holy Spirit gave me this morning is that Jesus told the disciples in John 16:32-33: ““A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have […]

Holy Spirit – Pump Up The Volume, Puhleaaase!

Have you ever listened to your favorite radio station and then all of a sudden the frequency gets interrupted?  You hear two stations simultaneously at the same time and find it hard to make out yours?  Or you hear static and you reach over to slightly turn the dial so that you can get a […]

Proceed with Caution – Warning, Potential Hazardous Situation Ahead

As you know from my title, “Ex-Prodigal’s Daughter” I once was that prodigal, journeying back home… This morning, I got to thinking about how ol’ slewfoot tries to circle back around and use the same tricks of the past to trip you up again, if you are not careful and keep a watchful eye, he […]