“It Ain’t What it Looks Like”

We are to walk by faith and not by sight… Faith walking is exercising those spiritual muscles that the world doesn’t teach us to use, and it can be really hard to adjust to, but that’s okay.  I was once told that anything you do for 30 days becomes a habit.  We have to adjust […]

Are You Encountering Gethsemane Moments?

I want to share something with you that I have personally found to be true… The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Sometimes that roaring lion will circle around the same area time and […]

Your Relationship with God IS Personal – Between YOU and HIM

It has been a while since I last wrote, I needed to spend time with the Lord and allow Holy Spirit to “refill my cup.”  An empty cup cannot pour anything out, and as a vessel for the Lord, who has been called to be a scribe there are times when I need to allow […]

Experiencing God’s Love

If I were to describe what it feels like to experience what the Bible describes as “The peace that passes ALL understanding,” I would only be able to compare it to that warm feeling you get when you are cold and you snuggle down deeper underneath an electric blanket… Or the feeling of seeing someone […]

You Can’t Out Give God – There is No Greater Joy Than Being a Vessel for Him

Proverbs 11:25 tells us: “A generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” I do not usually make post such as this one, but I am doing this as Holy Spirit has led me to do.  Sometimes we have to by faith step into our blessings, everything belongs to God, and you cannot […]

To Believe or Not Believe – That IS the Question… Actually, That IS the Choice…

We never know when or what challenges will come our way in this life… How do you react when your boat is being rocked?  We live in a fallen world that is full of challenges that we never see coming, we have to exercise our faith to determine how we are going to respond. This […]

Pedal to the Metal Kind of Faith~

The measurement of your level of faith comes when life’s adversaries come your way. This is where “practicing what you preach” or “talking the talk and walking the walk” comes in…  In other words, “the proof is in your faith-pudding.” This is where you can tell the difference between someone who has the spirit of […]

How’s Your Feet?

Let me begin by asking you a question I have had to ask myself: “HOW’S YOUR FEET?” What is your stance?  How are you standing? When the waves of life billow and blow and ol’ slewfoot tries his darndest to knock you down, are you standing steadfast in your faith? I say this as someone […]

What Are You Letting In to Your Home? Into Your Family? Into Your Life?

This is a sticky subject to write… It is one that Holy Spirit is working on with me, but I like to be transparent in my walk and as I asked Holy Spirit what I should write about this morning, what He indicated made me wince… You see, it is one that I feel a […]

Why Are You So Hard on You?

Did you know that YOU have been made in God’s image?  Next time you take a look in that mirror – think on that… Instead of seeing yourself with critical eyes, look at it with the perspective of your Father.   HE CREATED YOU. The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 1:5: “I knew you when you […]