The Greatest Love of All – is ONLY Found in Him!

The very best thing about being in a personal relationship with Jesus once you have accepted Him into your heart as your Savior, made the decision of making Him Lord OVER your life, is the fact that the void you had totally tried to fill with “other things” becomes filled with what the Bible calls, “The peace that passes all understanding” in Philippians 4:7.

You see, even the closest of friends will disappointment you at the time you think you need them most.  Those that you thought will never fail you will fail you.  Not intentionally of course, but here is the thing – we are imperfect humans.  The Bible says in Romans 3:10-12:

“There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands. there is no one who seeks God.  All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”

I count myself amongst those as well, you see I’m not pointing fingers, I’m speaking the truth.  This is why it is so important for us NOT to keep our eyes on people, but on Jesus.

The VERY best thing about being in Christ, is the fact that void deep inside of you that you may never even have realized was there, becomes filled with the MOST amazing peace that passes ALL understanding.  It is hard for me to find the words to adequately write that can fully express that peace, that joy that ONLY comes with knowing WHO YOU ARE in Christ Jesus.  The joy that floods your soul is one that no money can buy, no human can fulfill, it is TOTALLY a God and you thing!  It is like the absolute BEST kind of intimacy, allowing yourself to grow in Christ, discover your Creator and bask in His love for you!  How do you do this you may ask me? Well, first you verbally and truly invite Him into your heart to be Lord OVER your life, accept Him as your Savior.  You talk to Him as you would a GOOD GOOD friend.  You don’t need to put up any pretenses because He ALREADY knows you!  He desires a deeper relationship with you – so YOU be YOU!  You pick yourself up a good study Bible and you begin to read it!  Start with the New Testament if you’d like.  Matthew, Mark, Luke or John – and allow Holy Spirit to reveal God’s truth to you.  I assure you if your desire is sincere, He will!  I cannot tell you the many nights I fell asleep with my face in Bible as I ate up every Word I read with a hunger for more!  And here is the beauty of God’s Word (the Bible) it TRULY is the LIVING Word of God.  Each time I pick it up and read it, I discover something new!  That’s totally Holy Spirit teaching me, growing me and deepening my relationship with a Father (God) who loves me (and you) MORE than we can EVER know.

He sustains you during the hardest times in your life.  We live in a fallen, sinful, dark world, God hasn’t chosen to take us out of it, but desires for us to radiate the love and light of Christ THROUGH these lives that we have committed to Him.  Remember, Galatians 2:20 tells us:

“I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives by faith in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Just because we choose to become a Christian, one of God’s Chosen Remnants, does not mean that life will be as easy as pie.  I’d be lying to you if I made you to believe that everything would be smooth sailing, hey – in some ways it will be even harder for you because the enemy of your soul becomes truly angry that you have chosen to become a believer!  And the VERY last thing he wants you to do is shine the light of Christ through your life and in doing so, be a vessel unto the LORD to bring others into the knowledge and the love of God. But although life doesn’t get easier, it becomes more fulfilling.  I know Who it is I belong to!  I know from reading the Bible, it tells me that NEVER will God leave nor forsake me!  The love I feel in my heart and the love I experience in the knowing the Word and the Truth of God is the very GREATEST riches of all.  There is NOTHING I would ever exchange for the knowing my Heavenly Father loves me and that ALL the days of my life and thereafter eternal life I will be His forever.  He is mine and I am His and OH the joy that floods my soul – no matter what ol’ slewfoot has tried to through my way.

I pray dearest reader that if you don’t already know the Lover of your soul, that you open up your heart and discover the greatest love of all – the love that is ONLY known by being in Christ Jesus.  In Him you will find ALL the things your heart, your soul, your mind, your body was looking for – the greatest love of all, the all encompassing love of a God who loved you enough to leave the glories of Heaven, come down to your level here on earth – born of the virgin Mary, lived a sin-less life and loved you (and me) enough to take ALL our sins upon Him and die the most horrible death on a cross in order that you could be redeemed by the power of the Holy Spirit to a Father Who has loved you since the beginning of time.  THAT my friend, is the GREATEST love of all.  May you wait not one more moment to experience it.  If that is you please pray with me:

“Father God, I feel empty inside, like something deep within me is lacking and I don’t know what it is.  I only know that there has to be more to life than “just this.”  In reading the words of this blog, I find I am hungry, and I want to experience what it is that Kelly has written about.  So I ask You right now, to please reveal Yourself to me.  I believe You sent Your Son Jesus to be born of the virgin Mary, that He lived a sin-less life and He took my sins upon Himself and died on the Cross for forgiveness of those very sins.  I believe He rose from the dead and even right now is sitting on Your right-side interceding on my behalf.  Please forgive me for my sins.  Jesus, please come into my life and be my Lord and Savior.  Holy Spirit come reside deep in the heart of me. Let me experience this amazing love.  I thank You for hearing this prayer, I welcome You my Lord and My Savior.  In Jesus’ precious name I pray, amen.”

Now watch and see what the Father does – you’re about to experience a love that will last you not only a lifetime, but ALL eternity. Thanks be to God! \0/ \0/ \0/

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