Category: Growing in Christ
Do You Want the Truth? Here He Is…
Even if You Don’t See or Feel it – God’s GOT You!
You are NOT Alone, You are NEVER Alone.
Are You Sad this Holiday Season? If So, this Post is For You!
Not Feeling Very Thankful? 2024 Got You Down?
A Fictitious Interview with a Follower of Jesus
Can you imagine what it must have been like after the crucifixion for the apostles and followers of Christ prior to Jesus resurrecting from the dead? Can you imagine the grief and questions and thoughts that raced through their heads? If we were to have interviewed a follower, maybe it went something like this… (This […]
God Alone Reigns! He Shares His Glory with NO Man!
We live in a world that has proven itself to be uncertain. Even more reason for us to turn to a God Who is steadfast, never changing and reliable. Everything we need to know He has provided in His written Word. Everything that is going to take place, He has already revealed to us. If you are part of […]
Are You Focusing on “The Jones’?”
You Are NOT Your Desires
It’s Really Ironic When You Think About It…
In the garden of Eden, Adam walked with God, He fellowshipped with God. God gave Adam all the animals to name, everything that was beneficial for Adam’s well-being, God freely gave him. It seems to me that if you read the beginning of the book of Genesis, Adam wasn’t even aware that he needed anything […]
The Called Remnant Reader Comments: