Do You Want the Truth? Here He Is…

The true measure of your faith is found in how you respond to those valley moments in your walk with God. It is in those moments when one realizes that we were not created to be independent upon our Creator.  We were created to NEED God, to be in fellowship WITH God.  In those valley […]

It’s Really Ironic When You Think About It…

In the garden of Eden, Adam walked with God, He fellowshipped with God. God gave Adam all the animals to name, everything that was beneficial for Adam’s well-being, God freely gave him.  It seems to me that if you read the beginning of the book of Genesis, Adam wasn’t even aware that he needed anything […]

Indeed, There IS a Cost for Following Jesus

We tend to look at the Bible as a fable, instead of a book of historic people whose lives God is giving us a glimpse of through the writing of Holy Spirit filled men so that we can learn from their lives, from their experiences. Everyone IN the Bible were living, breathing human beings – […]

What Pursuit are You Pursuing?

Whether or not we recognize it, every morning that we wake up we go through our day believing things and whatever we believe sets the course of actions on what we do with that day.  Our daily activities that we perform are engrained in how we live and whether or not we recognize it – […]