Feeling Fragile? Your Father Knows, It’s Okay…

I want to write about something that most people try to brush under the rug of who they are…  You don’t have to put up a “brave front” before the Lord, its okay to say to Him: “Lord, I am feeling vulnerable.  I feel like I’m a hair strand away from fractioning into a million […]

Are You of Sober Mind? Wisdom-Walking Takes Practice RISE Above It, Child of God!

The word Holy Spirit gave me this morning is that Jesus told the disciples in John 16:32-33: ““A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have […]

“God, Thy Will be Done…” (Not Mine…)

This is a word for anyone, new or well-seasoned in your walk with God…  When I was a kid I couldn’t WAIT to get to be “double-digits” ten!  When I was ten I couldn’t WAIT to be thirteen – a teenager!!! When I was thirteen I absolutely wanted to be “sweet sixteen”, when I was […]

Gotta Squall Going Through Your Life?

I learned an important lesson this week… One that I humbly would like to share in the hope that it will benefit someone else who is going through a storm in their own walk… I’ve written quite a few posts reflecting on Mark 4:25-41, Holy Spirit keeps having me look at this story at different […]

Spiritual Knots Need Combing Out? Sit Still! God’s Got This, Let Him!

Don’t feel like you have to lie to God. Do you feel like crying today?  He doesn’t expect you to keep a “stiff upper lip” – CRY. Did you know that the Bible says in Psalm 56:8: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have […]

Are You Hokey-Pokeying it with God?

Do you remember the “Hokey Pokey” song we use to do as kids? “You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out, you put your left foot in, and you shake it all about… You do the hokey pokey, and you turn yourself around that’s what it’s all about!”  If you are […]

“Be like Mary, Martha.”

Holy Spirit whispered a word recently that I feel led to share, because I think it is a word not only for me but for others, especially those that are encouragers and givers. I feel like Holy Spirit is telling us it’s time that we allow ourselves to be refreshed.  As “givers” this may be […]

The God Who Sees…

It is easy for us to compare God to our earthly fathers, or think of Him as this big “religious” figure who shakes His finger at us or is a wrathful mean foreboding figure.  He’s not. He is the meet-you-right-where-you-are-at kind of God.  He is the knows-your-thoughts-before-you-think-them kind of God (see Psalm 139).  Our perception […]