Silence IS Golden – So How Do I Quiet ALL the noise in My Head?

For as long as I can remember, I have always envied Noah, Moses and Abraham who always seemed able to clearly hear from God… If only I could hear God’s booming voice say: “Thus saith the Lord!” (I’m smiling into my screen wondering if God still talks in the style of King James. 🙂 ) […]

Listen, Can You Hear Him? He’s Calling Your Name…

The Witness of God is All around us.  Do you have eyes to see? Ears to hear? Hearts to receive what it is that God is saying to us this day?  We are surrounded by so much noise, so we have to make a choice to listen.  There is so much around us that causes […]

How Are You Living? What is the Foundation of You?

This post is for you if you have declared yourself to be a Christian.  The dictionary defines the word “Christian” like this: “A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity.” It also says, “relating to or professing Christianity or its teaching.” and in Google it says, “a person who believes […]