Tag: Jesus
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
He Came to Set the Captives Free – And That Freedom Includes YOU Too!!
Whatever is True, Whatever is Pure, Whatever is Lovely, Whatever is Admirable – Think on These…
The Abundant Life
Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple, Open the Door, Here’s all of the People…
When I was a little kid, I remember a game-song my aunts would play with me. They would put their hands together, palm to palm and say, “Here is a church.” Then they would interlock their fingers (still palm to palm) leaving their thumbs pressed together and they would say, “Here is the steeple.” Then […]
Pink Bubble Gum Ice Cream Moments
God is in Control
What Pursuit are You Pursuing?
Let’s Give as Jesus Gives
Mary Did You Know? And Do You Know?
Are YOU From the Island of Broken or Misfit People?
Are you feeling like you are from the Island of misfit or broken toys? It’s Christmas time and one of my favorite Christmas cartoons is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. The reindeer who wasn’t accepted by all the other reindeers because he was “different.” Instead of being considered “special” he was ostracized for his bright shiny red nose. He […]
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