Holy Spirit Restores “Cracked Vessels” He Makes Them Whole

Holy Spirit has been teaching me to exercise… I am not talking about exercising my “physical” body (which even writing this, I’m feeling convicted, I should do… 🙂 ) but exercising my spiritual eyes, which because I never thought of exercise in that sense, can feel difficult to adjust to.  Is Holy Spirit asking you […]

Are You Backslidden? This Post is For You!

This post is going out to ALL of those who became prodigals at one point in their walk when they were ALREADY saved (like I had).  This specifically is going out to those ex-prodigals, who have already made their journey back home to the Father, and have accepted that the Father has forgiven them, but […]

Proceed with Caution – Warning, Potential Hazardous Situation Ahead

As you know from my title, “Ex-Prodigal’s Daughter” I once was that prodigal, journeying back home… This morning, I got to thinking about how ol’ slewfoot tries to circle back around and use the same tricks of the past to trip you up again, if you are not careful and keep a watchful eye, he […]