Can You “Count It All Joy?” ALL of It???

We sometimes look at the Bible and forget that every person written IN the Word of God were living and breathing people – just like you and I. THEY WERE REAL.  They were not characters in a book of fiction, they were people spoken about FOR A TIME SUCH AS THIS. God has placed US […]

Life Feeling Like You’re on the Titanic? Jesus is Our Life Preserver – Grab Hold!

I’ve been thinking about how they must have felt on the Titanic – knowing the ship had hit an iceberg and was sinking… Desperate, scared, shocked, knowing that the situation they were in was like nothing they’d expected to confront… When you are in Christ it’s not that you are immune to fear it’s that […]

God is Asking You – “Who Do You Say I Am?”

As I prayed this morning for a word to write, I asked Holy Spirit, “what would you have me write this morning?”  There has been such a spirit of heaviness with all that is going on in this world and I wanted a fresh new Word from Him.  This is what He said: “Ask them, […]

The Cain and Abel Factor – Still Alive and Well Today…

This morning, as I was driving and asking Holy Spirit what it was that He wanted me to write about today, I heard Him whisper, “Cain and Abel.” I was a bit surprised, but as I thought about it, it occurred to me that the Cain and Abel factor is one that is current even […]

Follow the Leader… Only It’s Not a Game…

Who are you following? Quiet your heart for a moment and think on that question. The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Maybe it’s not a “who” but a “what.”   It could be the way you are living…  You follow what you believe because […]

The Blame Game

My husband and I have been watching a talent show that comes on twice a week, where contestants have been given the opportunity to showcase their talent.  Every contestant that is presented gives a soliloquy introducing themselves and within the context of EACH introduction makes it a point to focus a moment of tremendous sadness […]