Are You Simply Wading or Waiting?

I write as Holy Spirit leads, being obedient to my calling as a Scribe for the Lord. The calling on my life is to write, and then it is the responsibility of Holy Spirit to use the words He inspires me to write for His glory…  I write a lot about what I have personally […]

Oh Yeah, and Don’t Forget the Walking in Love Part…

I can only speak for myself, but I’m hoping that since I seem to be struggling with this maybe Holy Spirit is directing others with the same issue to this post. 🙂 Being in the center of God’s will for your life involves something Jesus spoke of – something that just about everyone I know […]

A Message From the Father – FOR YOU.

Did you know that God is the lover of your soul?  He knows you MORE intimately than anyone you can imagine… And HE LOVES YOU. Let me say it again because it bears repeating: GOD LOVES YOU! Right now!  Where you are at! FOR REAL! God SEES you!  There is NOTHING about you that is […]

Vulnerability with God – Feeling Exposed?

Some people are so use to keeping a “stiff upper lip” that they feel they have to pretend with God.  You don’t HAVE to protect yourself from the Protector.  GOD LOVES YOU. In the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve had an intimate relationship with God.  They were naked before Him and they were not […]

Don’t Lose Focus – Eyes Straight Ahead on the Father!

*satan stood before the Father determined to bring Job’s faith down… As he has done with Job, he does with YOU.  What are you going through?  Are you standing firm with your feet firmly planted in faith in God’s promises to you?  Or are you beginning to waiver in doubt?  Now’s NOT the time – […]

Pride Before a Fall –

There are times in our walk with the Lord where He will bring you into situations that are totally out of the realm of anything you have ever encountered or experienced before. You suddenly find yourself in a situation where you are completely out of your comfort zone. You have no experiences that are similar […]

In Not Choosing – You ARE Choosing! Be Mindful!

It doesn’t matter what people say about you.  It doesn’t matter what they think about you.  Stop getting caught up in the approval or acceptance of others.  THEY do NOT determine YOUR worth – GOD DOES. Think about it – if Noah had listened to all the naysayers who mocked and criticized him for building […]