Intercessory Prayer Combats Spiritual Warfare!

Are you the only follower of Christ in your family? If so, this post is being written to encourage you… You may not feel like it, in fact you may feel downright defeated!  Are you enduring persecution for your faith in Christ? Maybe you are living in a country where you are having to secretly […]

Do You Want the Truth? Here He Is…

The true measure of your faith is found in how you respond to those valley moments in your walk with God. It is in those moments when one realizes that we were not created to be independent upon our Creator.  We were created to NEED God, to be in fellowship WITH God.  In those valley […]

God Alone Reigns! He Shares His Glory with NO Man!

We live in a world that has proven itself to be uncertain.  Even more reason for us to turn to a God Who is steadfast, never changing and reliable.  Everything we need to know He has provided in His written Word.  Everything that is going to take place, He has already revealed to us.  If you are part of […]

You Are NOT Your Desires

This post is sure to stir up a bit of controversy, but I love giving people who read my post food for thought! 😉 I am not judging anyone – that is not my job, it’s God’s, but if you feel condemnation by reading what I write, you *might* just want to check your spirit […]

It’s Really Ironic When You Think About It…

In the garden of Eden, Adam walked with God, He fellowshipped with God. God gave Adam all the animals to name, everything that was beneficial for Adam’s well-being, God freely gave him.  It seems to me that if you read the beginning of the book of Genesis, Adam wasn’t even aware that he needed anything […]

Beware – Be Aware

I’m writing this message to all the ex-prodigals, who might encounter this – I write this message in righteous anger at the harassing spirits that over the last few days have been trying to harass me and also a little bit of anger with myself for giving them a pinch of an inch to irritate […]

Hey – Stop Beating Yourself Up! God’s Grace IS Sufficient

At some point in your walk, if you haven’t already, you will probably experience a prodigal moment.   I would like to positively refer to this as a “growth spurt” in your spiritual walk…  For me it was a detour onto a road I had no business traveling. Thinking about it I could slap myself upside the back […]

Once a Prodigal Does Not Mean ALWAYS a Prodigal

Every new day we are given, we are given the opportunity to make choices.  Sometimes we make good choices, sometimes we make bad.  Our choices become our history, but they don’t have to become our future. Although we may not realize it, one of the choices we can make is to remain bound by the […]

Is a Pharoah Hindering You?

The Bible is the Living Word of God and everything in it has been included for a reason… Today I want to write about the fact that Holy Spirit *may* be bringing to your attention – there may be a time (or times in your walk with Jesus) where you, as did Moses – encounter […]