Do You Want the Truth? Here He Is…

The true measure of your faith is found in how you respond to those valley moments in your walk with God. It is in those moments when one realizes that we were not created to be independent upon our Creator.  We were created to NEED God, to be in fellowship WITH God.  In those valley […]

God Alone Reigns! He Shares His Glory with NO Man!

We live in a world that has proven itself to be uncertain.  Even more reason for us to turn to a God Who is steadfast, never changing and reliable.  Everything we need to know He has provided in His written Word.  Everything that is going to take place, He has already revealed to us.  If you are part of […]

Are You Saying, “Maybe Tomorrow, LORD…”?

I’ve been reading through the Old Testament, determined to read the Bible straight through this year and I have to say it is blessing me so much!  To be honest, I have not been much of an “Old Testament” reader, but everything written in the Bible is there for a reason and it TRULY becomes […]

What Will Ricochet from the Life You Live?

We fabulize the Bible… I think the majority of the time when we consider the people that we read about in it, we think about them as “characters” and not real flesh and blood people, like you and I.  But if you REALLY think about it and deep dive into their lives in order to […]

Stop Squirming and Let Holy Spirit Comb Those Knots Out!

This morning, I am lifting my arms in praise to God my Savior!  I want to share a lesson that I have JUST learned with Him.  It is both humbling and exhilarating at the SAME time! First of all, if you think once you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, made Him Lord OVER your […]

“Wait God – You Want Me to Do What??!!”

It’s not easy being part of God’s Called Remnant (a follower of Jesus) in today’s world, but when I started to think about this Holy Spirit brought to my mind all the people that I have been studying in the Bible, I’m currently reading through the Old Testament.  I have made it through Genesis, Exodus, […]

For Any of Us Who Are Mourning – Just Remember, Joy Comes in the Morning!

I don’t know what you are going through, Beloved Reader, but God does… What I can tell you is something that I know more and more each day. If you drawer nearer to God, He WILL draw nearer to you, but in order to do that you need to TRUST that He will. And ALLOW […]

He IS My Reason and He Desires to be Yours!

If you are part of God’s “Called Remnant” it means you have become part of the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:27 says: Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. Because God has called me to be one of His Scribes, I think that must make […]

Hey, Talented One! Yes, I’m Talkin’ to YOU!

This morning, I was reading through the Book of Matthew and Holy Spirit brought something to my attention, one that is DEFINITELY worth sharing! Let’s take a look at Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of Heaven: “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants […]

Above ALL Else… Dedicated to my Johnny and All those Who Have Lost Someone They Loved…

It’s been a while since I’ve written – spiritual warfare occurred in my life and the lives of my loved ones in a way that in my 36 years of walking in Christ I’ve never experienced.  I want to speak this Word to EVERY widow or widower or even to ANYONE who has suffered the […]