Tag: life
God Alone Reigns! He Shares His Glory with NO Man!
We live in a world that has proven itself to be uncertain. Even more reason for us to turn to a God Who is steadfast, never changing and reliable. Everything we need to know He has provided in His written Word. Everything that is going to take place, He has already revealed to us. If you are part of […]
Are You Saying, “Maybe Tomorrow, LORD…”?
What Will Ricochet from the Life You Live?
Stop Squirming and Let Holy Spirit Comb Those Knots Out!
“Wait God – You Want Me to Do What??!!”
It’s not easy being part of God’s Called Remnant (a follower of Jesus) in today’s world, but when I started to think about this Holy Spirit brought to my mind all the people that I have been studying in the Bible, I’m currently reading through the Old Testament. I have made it through Genesis, Exodus, […]
For Any of Us Who Are Mourning – Just Remember, Joy Comes in the Morning!
He IS My Reason and He Desires to be Yours!
Hey, Talented One! Yes, I’m Talkin’ to YOU!
This morning, I was reading through the Book of Matthew and Holy Spirit brought something to my attention, one that is DEFINITELY worth sharing! Let’s take a look at Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of Heaven: “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants […]
The Most Intimate Relationship of All
Above ALL Else… Dedicated to my Johnny and All those Who Have Lost Someone They Loved…
Are You In Denial?
Denial. Something that everyone does at some point in their lives (and maybe even as you read these words, you are doing it now). It began in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve denied their wrongdoing and placed the blame on someone or something other than themselves. Being in denial is a very […]
The Called Remnant Reader Comments: