Are You Lonely? You Are Not Alone…

Many Christians give off the persona as though they are joyful and happy all the time – let’s be real, okay?  That’s now how it REALLY is in this walk with Christ.  As you can probably tell by my writings, I am not a “fake” person.  Why?  Because I simply don’t see the point in […]

Peek-A-Boo – God Sees You… Stop Thinking You Can Hide…

You don’t have to have a “stiff upper lip” when it comes to being real with God… I’ve been thinking a lot about this, the spirit of religion is one that runs rampant.  What is the spirit of religion?  Jesus defined it in Matthew 15:8:  “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts […]

What’s in YOUR Basket?

Imagine this – you are a follower of Christ; you have left everything to follow Him.  You have seen Him perform miracles and have personally felt His love.  Your only desire is to sit at his feet as Mary (Martha’s sister did) and listen to Him teach. Your only desire is to follow Him ALL […]

God is Asking You – “Who Do You Say I Am?”

As I prayed this morning for a word to write, I asked Holy Spirit, “what would you have me write this morning?”  There has been such a spirit of heaviness with all that is going on in this world and I wanted a fresh new Word from Him.  This is what He said: “Ask them, […]

Rejection = Intercession

One of the hardest things I have found in becoming part of God’s Called Remnant, is that not everyone in your life will understand or share your joy in the transformation God is doing in your life.  I remember when I first got saved, I was so excited!  No one had ever told me what […]

The Biggest Bully of All Times is No Match for God

The biggest bully of all stands in the background of your life, mocking you, whispering insults and accusations in your ear. His greatest accolade is causing havoc in the most vulnerable areas of your life and making you believe that he doesn’t even exist. He is called the devil or satan and he absolutely and […]