Are You Hokey-Pokeying it with God?

Do you remember the “Hokey Pokey” song we use to do as kids? “You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out, you put your left foot in, and you shake it all about… You do the hokey pokey, and you turn yourself around that’s what it’s all about!”  If you are […]

Holy Spirit – Do You Know Him? To know Him is to Love Him, Because God IS Love

I love Holy Spirit. Who is He?  Click on the link to my home page and read about the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – Three in One.   This will give those who do not know or understand (or new in faith) a better understanding of Who God […]

Are You Self-Fulfilling?… Or Are You Aware that You Are God’s Donut?

I grew up in the state where “Dunkin’ Donuts” was created.  You may be unfamiliar with that name, but Dunkin Donuts is a fast food chain that makes a variety of donuts and coffees. It began in Massachusetts, (where I am originally from) and throughout Massachusetts Dunkin’ Donuts is so popular that there are Dunkin’s […]

God is Asking You – “Who Do You Say I Am?”

As I prayed this morning for a word to write, I asked Holy Spirit, “what would you have me write this morning?”  There has been such a spirit of heaviness with all that is going on in this world and I wanted a fresh new Word from Him.  This is what He said: “Ask them, […]

Are You Walking in the Light?

The older I get, the more I realize how dependent upon the Lord I am. I have found myself wondering, “How did Jesus do it?” I think about the Scriptures and I wonder how Jesus kept focused, during the darkest time in His life.  Betrayal from within His inner-circle… Betrayal from someone who was one of […]

Forged in Fire – Dedicated to the Memory of Annesha McKennery, One of God’s Finest

This post is dedicated to one beautiful woman of God, who has gone on to be with Jesus, Annesha McKennery, I know right now you are part of the “Cloud of Witnesses” mentioned in Hebrews 12:1.  Not yet 50 years old, unexpectedly to us He called you quickly home, it came as a surprise to […]

Is There a Snake in Your Garden? Who is Fighting YOUR battles?

I am very conscientious about each post I write… Because I am a scribe for the Lord I know I am accountable for everything I share, especially when it comes to the Lord.  The Bible says in Luke 12:48: “To much is given, much is required.” When you choose to seek the Lord for the […]