What IS Your Heart’s Desire?

What is your heart’s desire? If it is something that is not outside the will (and Word of God) and feels like it is intensifying, it is Holy Spirit prompting you to what God has called you to do. And if you are praying to discover what your calling is – this could be Holy […]

Whatever the Question, Whatever the Situation, the Answer is ALWAYS Jesus

What do we do when we are besieged to the point of feeling battle weary and disoriented? Like we are relentlessly being tossed to and fro? KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE LORD Stand firm in Jesus.  There are times when all we can do is cry out His name and that is okay.  In fact, […]

Are You Going at God’s Pace or the World’s Pace? A Holy Spirit Word for You

We are all use to “hustling and bustling” with life. It has become so fast paced; we live in a world that doesn’t even know HOW to slow down anymore.  We have become such a microwave society, we want what we want, when we want it. Now! Now! Now! And I believe the word Holy […]

Pedal to the Metal Kind of Faith~

The measurement of your level of faith comes when life’s adversaries come your way. This is where “practicing what you preach” or “talking the talk and walking the walk” comes in…  In other words, “the proof is in your faith-pudding.” This is where you can tell the difference between someone who has the spirit of […]

Do You Know the Muffin Man? Let’s Face it, He’s ALL puffed Up, Better Stick with Jesus

We live in a world that mistakenly maligns God by portraying Him as this “stern, uncaring, always shaking a finger at you in displeasure” kind of God.  It is no wonder that many turn away from God because of this man made “religious” connotation of who He is…  Think about it this way – have […]


I was in a prodigal state 12 years ago.  I feel as though Holy Spirit is directing me to write about this today, someone is either at the brink of falling, walking away from the Lord instead of towards Him – if that is you, please read this post and I will pray that Holy […]

Jesus’ Extended Hand

There will be times in your walk where you will feel discouraged, down and overwhelmed by all that is happening around you.  This is where we, as God’s called remnant, need to stand firm in our faith. Remember, we are in the middle of a spiritual war and sometimes it will feel as though the […]

Consider the Source…

We are a spirit that has a soul that is housed in a body. Often the body and the soul (your personality) are the only two parts of you that you identify with, but your spirit is important to acknowledge as well because one day you will shed your shell (your body) and you will […]

A Word from Holy Spirit – It is Time to Flex that Faith Muscle

Last night Holy Spirit gave me a word to share with those who are part of God’s Called Remnant, and are experiencing strong feelings of exhaustion… Like what is described in Psalms 119:28: “My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word!”   Does that describe you?  Hey – I’ll be transparent […]

Indeed, There IS a Cost for Following Jesus

We tend to look at the Bible as a fable, instead of a book of historic people whose lives God is giving us a glimpse of through the writing of Holy Spirit filled men so that we can learn from their lives, from their experiences. Everyone IN the Bible were living, breathing human beings – […]

How’s Your Feet?

Let me begin by asking you a question I have had to ask myself: “HOW’S YOUR FEET?” What is your stance?  How are you standing? When the waves of life billow and blow and ol’ slewfoot tries his darndest to knock you down, are you standing steadfast in your faith? I say this as someone […]