About: thecallrem
- Profile
- I am a Born-Again Believer who has been called to write, or as I like to call it, "A scribe for the Lord." Writing IS my worship, it is my passion. My deepest desire is that the Word of God goes far and wide and touches the hearts of people, like it has touched (and continues to touch) mine. I want everyone to "Taste and see that the Lord is good." (Psalm 34:8) because HE IS. May God draw you into a relationship with Him so that you can know how very much you are loved, because you are...
Posts by thecallrem:
2022 ALL Things New
Pardon Me, I Should Have Begun With My Testimony…
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Do You Stink?
The hardest part of being part of God’s remnant is when Holy Spirit gives you the gift of spiritual discernment and you are able to discern the maturity (or immaturity) of those around you. That’s going to sound judgmental, but it’s really not. As you mature in Christ, you become cognate of the spirits of […]
The God of Turn-Around
I know there are many of God’s Remnant, myself included, who have been experiencing quite a bit of spiritual battle. Tonight Holy Spirit whispered these words into my heart. Words not only for myself, but also for those that are waring with me. Remember, we are many members but we are one in the body […]
He Came to Set the Captives Free – And That Freedom Includes YOU Too!!
Whatever is True, Whatever is Pure, Whatever is Lovely, Whatever is Admirable – Think on These…
The Abundant Life
Here’s the Church, Here’s the Steeple, Open the Door, Here’s all of the People…
When I was a little kid, I remember a game-song my aunts would play with me. They would put their hands together, palm to palm and say, “Here is a church.” Then they would interlock their fingers (still palm to palm) leaving their thumbs pressed together and they would say, “Here is the steeple.” Then […]
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