Watch Out for the Distractions

Ol Slewfoot’s goal is to keep you from accomplishing God’s purpose in your life. Keep you from taking the time to worship, keep you from finding the time to read God’s Word.  If you allow him to do this, you become spiritually malnourished.  You can become discouraged and heavy hearted and depressed (all of which […]

God is Asking You – “Who Do You Say I Am?”

As I prayed this morning for a word to write, I asked Holy Spirit, “what would you have me write this morning?”  There has been such a spirit of heaviness with all that is going on in this world and I wanted a fresh new Word from Him.  This is what He said: “Ask them, […]

Are You Walking in the Light?

The older I get, the more I realize how dependent upon the Lord I am. I have found myself wondering, “How did Jesus do it?” I think about the Scriptures and I wonder how Jesus kept focused, during the darkest time in His life.  Betrayal from within His inner-circle… Betrayal from someone who was one of […]

Stormy Weather? What’s the Foundation of YOU?

I have sat here typing an opening sentence, frowning up my face, hitting the back button to delete what I have written,  only to start over again.  Really what I’m feeling is, “Holy Spirit – what is going on?!!!”  Do you feel that way too? 2022 has felt to me what it must feel like […]

Is There a Snake in Your Garden? Who is Fighting YOUR battles?

I am very conscientious about each post I write… Because I am a scribe for the Lord I know I am accountable for everything I share, especially when it comes to the Lord.  The Bible says in Luke 12:48: “To much is given, much is required.” When you choose to seek the Lord for the […]

The Cain and Abel Factor – Still Alive and Well Today…

This morning, as I was driving and asking Holy Spirit what it was that He wanted me to write about today, I heard Him whisper, “Cain and Abel.” I was a bit surprised, but as I thought about it, it occurred to me that the Cain and Abel factor is one that is current even […]