Conversing with the Father… He HEARS You!

Have you been praying relentlessly about something?  Believing God to answer your prayers? Waiting diligently on Him.  Checking, double-checking, triple checking yourself spiritually?  Trying not to let frustration seep in? Sometimes we try too hard.  We need to get into a place where we can quiet our own spirit.  If Jesus Christ is your Lord […]

The God Who Sees…

It is easy for us to compare God to our earthly fathers, or think of Him as this big “religious” figure who shakes His finger at us or is a wrathful mean foreboding figure.  He’s not. He is the meet-you-right-where-you-are-at kind of God.  He is the knows-your-thoughts-before-you-think-them kind of God (see Psalm 139).  Our perception […]

Are You For Real?

My style has always been one to try and reach people where they are at…  I guess if my friends were to describe me, most of them would say, “Kelly doesn’t sugar coat anything.  She’s the raw ingredients. She’s completely transparent and the ‘real deal… I know that if I want a direct and honest answer, I […]

Follow the Leader… Only It’s Not a Game…

Who are you following? Quiet your heart for a moment and think on that question. The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Maybe it’s not a “who” but a “what.”   It could be the way you are living…  You follow what you believe because […]