What’s in YOUR Basket?

Imagine this – you are a follower of Christ; you have left everything to follow Him.  You have seen Him perform miracles and have personally felt His love.  Your only desire is to sit at his feet as Mary (Martha’s sister did) and listen to Him teach. Your only desire is to follow Him ALL […]

Trust the Growth Process – Holy Spirit is RIGHT There with You!

I can only write about what I know… What I have experienced or what Holy Spirit is directing me to write, and here is something that has been front and center in my head… If you are part of God’s Called Remnant, He is calling you to walk BY faith, that means trusting Him for […]

Proceed with Caution – Warning, Potential Hazardous Situation Ahead

As you know from my title, “Ex-Prodigal’s Daughter” I once was that prodigal, journeying back home… This morning, I got to thinking about how ol’ slewfoot tries to circle back around and use the same tricks of the past to trip you up again, if you are not careful and keep a watchful eye, he […]

And the Curtains Were Torn Asunder –

I cannot imagine what it must have been like for those that loved Jesus to see Him hanging from that cross. As a mother, I cannot imagine Mary’s anguish.  As a friend and as a follower, it must have been excruciating not being able to do anything to help Him.  Knowing that He did NOT […]

Calling 911 – Hot Spots on the Soul

I woke up this morning with a vision of a spiritual wound that looked like a hot spot on the soul, sensitive to touch, that if left unidentified or neglected to be brought before the Father could become a septic spiritual infection making everything around the individual look exacerbated, enlarged and magnified. Wounds like this […]

Submit or Get Swallowed…Your Choice

Here is a question for you – What do you do when you find yourself  in the belly of a situation that makes you feel as though you are hemmed in from all sides? WHO do you cry out to? Some of the situations God allows us (or loved ones) to go through is because […]

Sand-Writing, What is Jesus Writing About You?

I was praying about what I should write about today and I got to thinking about the men accusing the adulterous woman, ready to stone her for her sins… Do you know that story?  It can be found in John 8:1-11: “Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again […]

Can You “Count It All Joy?” ALL of It???

We sometimes look at the Bible and forget that every person written IN the Word of God were living and breathing people – just like you and I. THEY WERE REAL.  They were not characters in a book of fiction, they were people spoken about FOR A TIME SUCH AS THIS. God has placed US […]