No Pain – No Gain, the enemy is strong but OUR God is Greater!

Walking by faith and not by sight is a constant exercise through life, it’s not a “one and done” deal. Exercising those faith muscles requires a spiritual endurance that no matter HOW old you are in Christ is a work out EVERY TIME.  (Take it from one who accepted Christ 34 years ago 🙂 ).  […]

Are You in a Period of Suffering?

Suffering is a topic that we’d rather not talk about.  Who wants to experience suffering? It is an uncomfortable topic, but it is one that I want to address because whether we want to accept it or admit it, at one point or another it is a portion of our walk in Christ… It is […]

Sometimes We Need to Just Get Out of God’s Way

When I was a little girl and it was bedtime, my mother use to say as she tucked me into bed, “Kelly, no bad dreams allowed.”  As she leaned over and kissed me good night.  Because my mom said, “bad dreams weren’t allowed,” I believed her and would settle deeper under my covers confident that […]

Heaviness is a Spirit – Isn’t it Time You Removed it?

Are you downhearted? Discouraged? Depressed? Forlorn? Sad?  It could be that what you are experiencing is “a heaviness of spirit.”  Did you know that is a spirit?  The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this […]

The Dandelion

The wind carried the little seed far from its original origin, gently lowering it exactly where it wanted it to be, soil in between the crack of a driveway in front of a single-family home. Cold, the seed snuggled deeper within the soil looking for the warmth the soil provided and settled as deeply in […]

Are You Closing This Year with Fear OR with Faith?

New Year’s Eve is soon approaching, it is a time that should I allow it, feels me with unease and anxiety – which are two things that are NOT of God… I guess I always feel that way because it causes me to look back on the year that is ending, with all that has […]

God’s Provision – You Are NOT Dependent Upon Man

Everything that happens to you becomes part of your testimony in Christ.  The Bible tells us in Psalm 37:23: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” I want to encourage those of you who are patiently waiting for God to answer prayer by sharing with […]

Do You Want More? It’s Time to Have Something BETTER Than Coffee! Ready to Have the Father Fill Your Cup?

Did you wake up this morning wanting more? Do you feel a longing in your heart, like when you are hungry, but you can’t put your finger on what it is you are hungry for? Like there is something that needs to be satisfied deep in the heart of you? Like there is an itch […]

Are You Encountering “Giant” Size Situations? It’s Time to Hurl That Stone of Faith!

Life presents “giant” size situations, but when we hurl stones of faith at them, God’s will prevails.  Holy Spirit woke me up early this morning (not for the first time), thinking of David and Goliath. God’s Word is so relevant and alive.  I believe that David’s experience with Goliath is one that we, as God’s […]

News Flash ~ You are NOT God! True Love’s Kiss…

Reading the title to this post, you are either raising an amused eyebrow at me or furrowing that same eyebrow… Hopefully this post will bring about a sigh of relief once you read it, which is the intent. We carry so much upon us that God did not intend for us to carry, especially those […]

Stormy Weather – Logic Does Not Do What Faith Can… What is It That Keeps Your Boat Afloat?

Sometimes life feels like you are standing in the middle of a storm that is raging all around you. Discord, confusion, lack spinning all around you. Situations you don’t know what to do about flash into your mind like lightning. Every time you try to figure out what to do, another thunderous situation booms, and […]