Follow the Leader… Only It’s Not a Game…

Who are you following? Quiet your heart for a moment and think on that question. The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Maybe it’s not a “who” but a “what.”   It could be the way you are living…  You follow what you believe because […]

The Blame Game

My husband and I have been watching a talent show that comes on twice a week, where contestants have been given the opportunity to showcase their talent.  Every contestant that is presented gives a soliloquy introducing themselves and within the context of EACH introduction makes it a point to focus a moment of tremendous sadness […]

The Accuser…

I had a revelation tonight… satan is called “the accuser” “he is the accuser of the brethren…” (Revelations 12:10) The Bible tells us his goal is to kill, steal and destroy  (read John 10:10). Anyway and anyone who can hurt you he will use. So why are we so taken by surprise when it is […]