To Believe or Not Believe – That IS the Question… Actually, That IS the Choice…

We never know when or what challenges will come our way in this life… How do you react when your boat is being rocked?  We live in a fallen world that is full of challenges that we never see coming, we have to exercise our faith to determine how we are going to respond. This […]

Stop Trying to Figure it ALL Out Yourself – You are NOT in Control, You just think You Are…

One of the biggest mistakes in our thought process, is thinking that we are “large and in charge” of our lives.  The Bible gives us a perfect example of how untrue that is.  James 4:13-15 tells us: “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city and […]

Are You Overwhelmed? Sad? Feeling Alone? Jesus Cares and He is There!

I don’t know what you are going through, what you are experiencing but I feel Holy Spirit leading me to tell you, that whatever it is –  YOU ARE NOT ALONE…JESUS IS THERE…JESUS KNOWS… JESUS CARES If you are hurting, if you are discouraged, if you are downhearted Holy Spirit wants you to know: HE […]

News Flash ~ You are NOT God! True Love’s Kiss…

Reading the title to this post, you are either raising an amused eyebrow at me or furrowing that same eyebrow… Hopefully this post will bring about a sigh of relief once you read it, which is the intent. We carry so much upon us that God did not intend for us to carry, especially those […]

Truth OR Dare? You Pick…

Truth or Dare? Which will you pick? Come on now, you remember playing this as a kid, if you didn’t – you missed out! So which will it be? This isn’t the same version – but it’s one people have a hard time facing…. Truth – Okay, the truth is most people are uncomfortable taking […]

What IS Your Heart’s Desire?

What is your heart’s desire? If it is something that is not outside the will (and Word of God) and feels like it is intensifying, it is Holy Spirit prompting you to what God has called you to do. And if you are praying to discover what your calling is – this could be Holy […]

Indeed, There IS a Cost for Following Jesus

We tend to look at the Bible as a fable, instead of a book of historic people whose lives God is giving us a glimpse of through the writing of Holy Spirit filled men so that we can learn from their lives, from their experiences. Everyone IN the Bible were living, breathing human beings – […]

Push Through It… Keep Going!

The very last thing the enemy wants is for you to fulfill your destiny in Christ, the reason and the purpose that God created you in your mother’s womb.  You were born with gifts, with talents that were meant to glorify the Creator, bless others and in the glorious process of being used by Him, […]

Are You Lonely? You Are Not Alone…

Many Christians give off the persona as though they are joyful and happy all the time – let’s be real, okay?  That’s now how it REALLY is in this walk with Christ.  As you can probably tell by my writings, I am not a “fake” person.  Why?  Because I simply don’t see the point in […]

What Do You Do When You Find Yourself In the Middle of a War – YOU FIGHT!

Whether or not you are aware of it, or choose to believe it does not change the fact that we are in the middle of a spiritual war.  You can cross your arms over your chest and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge it, but the truth of the matter is the war is STILL going on […]