Intercessory Prayer Combats Spiritual Warfare!

Are you the only follower of Christ in your family? If so, this post is being written to encourage you… You may not feel like it, in fact you may feel downright defeated!  Are you enduring persecution for your faith in Christ? Maybe you are living in a country where you are having to secretly […]

Do You Want the Truth? Here He Is…

The true measure of your faith is found in how you respond to those valley moments in your walk with God. It is in those moments when one realizes that we were not created to be independent upon our Creator.  We were created to NEED God, to be in fellowship WITH God.  In those valley […]

God Alone Reigns! He Shares His Glory with NO Man!

We live in a world that has proven itself to be uncertain.  Even more reason for us to turn to a God Who is steadfast, never changing and reliable.  Everything we need to know He has provided in His written Word.  Everything that is going to take place, He has already revealed to us.  If you are part of […]

Listen to this Word and Quiet the Noise Keeping You from Hearing it!

I believe at this very moment that you are reading these words; Jesus is calling you to be part of His remnant.  He is asking you if you have accepted Him as Savior, made Him Lord OVER your life –  YOUR LIFE IS NO LONGER YOUR OWN, IT BELONGS TO HIM! I made my profession […]

How the Mighty Fall

This is going to be a short – but true Word that the Lord has given me to share.  If you are interceding on behalf of an unsaved family member or loved one, know that God hears your prayers.  Don’t give up, keep believing God, keep interceding and keep praying. No matter WHAT you experience, […]

He IS My Reason and He Desires to be Yours!

If you are part of God’s “Called Remnant” it means you have become part of the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:27 says: Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. Because God has called me to be one of His Scribes, I think that must make […]

God Has Called You to Intercede!

I have a very personal Word to share, one that I think Holy Spirit is prompting me to write because it is going to cause MANY breakthroughs in the lives of those around you.  Please listen: GOD HAS CHOSEN YOU FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS, HE IS CALLING YOU TO INTERCEDE What does “intercede” […]

Being Out of Order with God

I have a Word of knowledge that I am feeling led to share, although truth be told I am trying myself to understand the message for it is one that needs to be shared… Holy Spirit whispered in my ear last night that many of us are missing what it is that God is trying […]

Ultimately, the Choice Belongs to You

Listen, no matter what I write or what anyone says, ultimately – in the end, it’s really between YOU and HIM… There is so much going on in the world right now, if you listen long enough it will make your eyes cross and your head spin like one of those tops we use to […]

Don’t Believe the Lies of the Accuser – Stand on God’s Truth

The accuser stands before God constantly pointing a finger at us. Mocking us, making us wince at the rehashing of the shortcomings we are very much aware of in the vessel of us. Making us want to run and hide as Adam and Eve hid in the garden of Eden. But then steps Jesus forward, […]

The Battles We Face, The Intercession We Make

There is NOTHING in this life that is greater than God.  I want to say that again because it is truth: THERE IS NOTHING IN THIS LIFE THAT IS GREATER THAN GOD If there is anything that I can tell you I know with EVERY part that IS me, it is this – GOD IS […]