Same Tricks, Different Day

It is important to remember to stay covered in prayer, Ol’ Slewfoot and his dominions hate you and will hit you with everything they have in their arsenal to bring you down, and sometimes they get desperate enough (once they’ve tried everything they can) to  circle back and try the same methods that they have […]

Do You Feel Like You Are Drowning?

Do you feel like you are in the middle of an ocean of situations? Chaos ALL around you and you are doing EVERYTHING you know to keep your head above the water? That you are on the brink of drowning? That you are treading water, moving your hands and kicking your feet but your energy […]

Unlike People, God is Consistent

The Bible is so consistent. We are to look at it to deal with whatever we experience and go through. There are SO many doubters of His Word and promises. Poor Job- his wife turned to Him in the midst of his trial and told him “to curse God and die!” Can you imagine? There […]

Ultimately, the Choice Belongs to You

Listen, no matter what I write or what anyone says, ultimately – in the end, it’s really between YOU and HIM… There is so much going on in the world right now, if you listen long enough it will make your eyes cross and your head spin like one of those tops we use to […]

Don’t Believe the Lies of the Accuser – Stand on God’s Truth

The accuser stands before God constantly pointing a finger at us. Mocking us, making us wince at the rehashing of the shortcomings we are very much aware of in the vessel of us. Making us want to run and hide as Adam and Eve hid in the garden of Eden. But then steps Jesus forward, […]

Are You Encountering Gethsemane Moments?

I want to share something with you that I have personally found to be true… The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Sometimes that roaring lion will circle around the same area time and […]

The Battles We Face, The Intercession We Make

There is NOTHING in this life that is greater than God.  I want to say that again because it is truth: THERE IS NOTHING IN THIS LIFE THAT IS GREATER THAN GOD If there is anything that I can tell you I know with EVERY part that IS me, it is this – GOD IS […]

Your Relationship with God IS Personal – Between YOU and HIM

It has been a while since I last wrote, I needed to spend time with the Lord and allow Holy Spirit to “refill my cup.”  An empty cup cannot pour anything out, and as a vessel for the Lord, who has been called to be a scribe there are times when I need to allow […]

Go Unburden Your Heart – The Father is Waiting…

The Bible says  in Luke 6:45: “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” God knows our hearts.  God knows our thoughts.  […]