Do You Have Bitterness of Soul?

The Bible has over 88 scriptures within it that deals with bitterness.  I looked up the definition of bitterness and this is what Google says: “Sharpness of taste; the lack of sweetness.” Does that describe where you are in life right now? Are you in a place where life lacks sweetness?  Where you feel as […]

God, Please Make Yourself Real – to Me…

I did not know about Jesus, what He had done for me, or really other than a “Children’s Bible” given to me as a kid, know anything about the Bible other than the story of Adam and Eve (kid version).  I was not raised in the church, growing up in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood with […]

Listen, God IS Speaking – Quiet Your Heart to Hear Him…

We live in a world that is FULL of noise… Not only around us, but IN us.  Do you know what I mean?  We live in a microwave society, where we want what we want when we want it!  Now! Now! Now!  That coupled with the ramped spirit of entitlement that is REALLY present in […]

Are You Encountering “Giant” Size Situations? It’s Time to Hurl That Stone of Faith!

Life presents “giant” size situations, but when we hurl stones of faith at them, God’s will prevails.  Holy Spirit woke me up early this morning (not for the first time), thinking of David and Goliath. God’s Word is so relevant and alive.  I believe that David’s experience with Goliath is one that we, as God’s […]

Spirit of Truth

When you choose to personally acknowledge Jesus as Savior, make the choice of making Him Lord over your life, Holy Spirit comes into the very heart of you and begins to either “clean out” or “rearrange” a few things… He is also called the “Spirit of Truth” as indicated in John 16:13: “When the Spirit […]

God Forgives You – Can You forgive You?

This post is for those who are like me, an ex-prodigal, meaning that at some point in your walk with Christ you came to a fork in your road of life and went down a pathway God never intended you to go.  The Bible is full of “ex-prodigals” who God has used mighty much!  Look […]

To Believe or Not Believe – That IS the Question… Actually, That IS the Choice…

We never know when or what challenges will come our way in this life… How do you react when your boat is being rocked?  We live in a fallen world that is full of challenges that we never see coming, we have to exercise our faith to determine how we are going to respond. This […]

Stop Trying to Figure it ALL Out Yourself – You are NOT in Control, You just think You Are…

One of the biggest mistakes in our thought process, is thinking that we are “large and in charge” of our lives.  The Bible gives us a perfect example of how untrue that is.  James 4:13-15 tells us: “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city and […]

There is a Bully in Your Life – Are You Even Aware?

The biggest bully of all stands in the background of your life, mocking you, whispering insults and accusations in your ear. His greatest accolade is causing havoc in the most vulnerable areas of your life and making you believe that he doesn’t even exist. He is called the devil or satan and he absolutely and […]

Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In! Press Forward!

If you have made a confession of faith, accepted Jesus as Savior, made the choice of making Him Lord over your life, you have made the absolute BEST decision you will EVER make in your life.  The Bible tells us in Luke 15:10: “And the angels of God rejoice over one sinner who repents.” For […]