No Pain – No Gain, the enemy is strong but OUR God is Greater!

Walking by faith and not by sight is a constant exercise through life, it’s not a “one and done” deal. Exercising those faith muscles requires a spiritual endurance that no matter HOW old you are in Christ is a work out EVERY TIME.  (Take it from one who accepted Christ 34 years ago 🙂 ).  […]

The Big Comfy Chair

How do you handle change?  I’ve never been a fan of it.  I’m a creature of habit, I like life to feel like a big comfy chair that over time has settled to the form of my body and I can climb into it and sigh, knowing what to expect.  I’m a creature of habit, […]

Walking the Walk of Forgiveness – No Wincing Puhleaase…

One thing that I can say I’m learning in my walk with Christ is that the hard things that God asks us to do are probably the things that benefit us the most in doing them… Maybe that’s why they are so hard… Give you an example of what I mean?  Okay, let’s take forgiveness. […]

You Can Trust God, He Won’t Fail You

Sometimes we allow God to take the brunt of our feelings because of what people have done to us… Sometimes the perception that we have of God is based upon relationships that have failed us and we think that God will do the same.  Listen, it is so important for us to separate our experiences […]

Are You in a Period of Suffering?

Suffering is a topic that we’d rather not talk about.  Who wants to experience suffering? It is an uncomfortable topic, but it is one that I want to address because whether we want to accept it or admit it, at one point or another it is a portion of our walk in Christ… It is […]

God IS all Knowing! Don’t Box Him in!

Our thoughts are not God’s thoughts… Our ways are not God’s ways… It is so important that we remember that no matter WHAT the situation, God IS STILL on His throne.  Listen – if there is someone that you are praying for, interceding on behalf of, and you don’t see a way it does NOT […]

God’s Word is Alive

I want to share a testimony with you – my testimony.  I am one who can attest that the God of the Bible IS STILL as it says in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, stage 2.  There […]

Listen, Can You Hear Him? He’s Calling Your Name…

The Witness of God is All around us.  Do you have eyes to see? Ears to hear? Hearts to receive what it is that God is saying to us this day?  We are surrounded by so much noise, so we have to make a choice to listen.  There is so much around us that causes […]

You Can’t Out Give God – There is No Greater Joy Than Being a Vessel for Him

Proverbs 11:25 tells us: “A generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” I do not usually make post such as this one, but I am doing this as Holy Spirit has led me to do.  Sometimes we have to by faith step into our blessings, everything belongs to God, and you cannot […]


Many people think that the term “surrender” is a sign of weakness or an admission of defeat… The truth is spiritual surrender is actually a sign of maturity.  What is it that Holy Spirit is bringing to your mind as you read this post?  The spirit of pride and a feeling of indignation may rise […]